Michele Bachmann Seeking the Lord’s Counsel to Replace Al Franken

Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann says she may run to replace former Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., if the Lord directs her to do so.

“I’ve had people contact me and urge me to run for that Senate seat, and the only reason I would run is for the ability to take these principles into the United States Senate,” she tells televangelist Jim Bakker. “The question is, should it be me? Should it be now?”

Franken resigned from his government post after multiple women alleged he sexually harassed or assaulted them.

Bachmann previously served as a representative for Minnesota from 2007 to January 2015. She was an outspoken critic of President Barack Obama and threw her hat in the ring for the Republican nomination in the 2012 election.

As a senator, she would head back to Washington.

“If you’re going against the tide in D.C., if you’re trying to stand for biblical principles in D.C. and you stick your head up out of the hole, you know, the blades come whirring, and they try to chop you off,” Bachmann says. “This is not an easy place to be.”

Bachmann has not officially announced if she will run for the Senate seat.

“So the question is am I being called to do this now?” Bachmann asks. “I don’t know,” but says she could “handle the job.”

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