RNC: ‘Hillary Clinton Endangered Our National Security’

Hillary Clinton

Thursday, the Republican National Committee released some of the documents from its own Freedom of Information Request related to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Among the documents are several called the Standard Form 312, which requires signatories to certify under potential criminal penalty that they will not mishandle marked or unmarked classified information. Among those released were those signed by Jake Sullivan, who served as Clinton’s Director of Policy Planning and is one of her current campaign advisers, and Bryan Pagliano, the former IT aide who was reportedly granted immunity by the FBI prior to cooperating with its investigation into the matter.

Sullivan sent more than 200 emails now deemed classified to Clinton’s private email server. The RNC also alleges the documents show the conspiracy to conceal her emails from the public involved many top aides casting aside their sworn obligations to protect classified information in the interest of her political ambition.

“Hillary Clinton endangered our national security and created a culture where top staffers went rogue, silenced career officials and hid a reckless email scheme that placed her political ambitions above all else,” RNC Chairman Reince Priebus. “These records show that like Clinton, her closest aides did not meet their responsibilities to protect classified information regardless of whether it was marked.”

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