Diamond and Silk

YouTubers Diamond and Silk Blast Hillary Clinton’s Racism Charges Against Trump


The fiery YouTubers Diamond and Silk, who host The Viewers View, became overnight household names after announcing last fall they were renouncing their membership in the Democratic Party because they were voting for Donald Trump.

Since then, they have made an almost daily—sometimes more than once a day—call to fellow African-Americans to abandon the Democrats and vote Republican. And after the Clinton campaign’s latest attack ad that equated Trump and his supporters with white supremacists, the women unloaded on “the party that gave us Jim Crow.”

They opened their latest show, posted on Sunday, discussing Trump’s most recent speeches and, specifically, his “What do you have to lose?” challenge to minorities and poor Americans who have aligned themselves with Democrats in the past. Diamond and Silk agreed, and said “a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for opportunity for the impoverished.”

“We’ve already fought, ya’ll,” Diamond said, with an “Mmm-hmm,” from her co-host. “It’s time to win.”

The YouTubers then commended Trump for having the courage to address the issues that are affecting the people who live in America’s inner cities. “The Left don’t like it,” they added, “and they don’t have a solution,” so they highly recommended the GOP nominee stay on his current course with minority voters.

They also ripped on African-American Democrats, who they said were only working to keep other minorities “back in the field.” Here’s what Diamond, who does most of the talking for the duo, had to say:

You listen to a lot of these black leaders who want to keep people stuck, and I heard one fool—I’m not even gonna call his name, because he’s ignorant, he’s a fool—go tell one of his listeners if you’re in Texas, don’t worry about the people in Chicago, worry about the people in Texas.

But as an American, you need to be concerned about what’s going on in Chicago, and in Baltimore, and in Ferguson, because when we see that stuff play out on TV, it affects all of us in some kind of way. It affects me emotionally, because I’m wondering, “Why are people crying out like that?”

Why are people burning down their communities like that? Why is all this violence up? Why do we have so much violence in minority and African-American communities in Democratic-run cities?

Silk pointed out that TV hosts are covering events all over the country, so why shouldn’t Americans be concerned about what is happening outside their own communities? Diamond agreed, and added:

His problem is he don’t want to come off that Democratic plantation because he’s going to miss out on that bag of beans or slab of back meat. That’s what’s wrong with him. That’s what’s wrong with him.

He wants to keep everybody on the Democratic plantation. He probably falls into that category, you know, that Democratic plantation guy. You got the ones who work in the field, the dark ones, and you got the light ones who work in the house. He’s staying in the house, and he don’t want no one else to stay in the house, or have a house.

So, now that those dark ones are coming off the plantation, he’s afraid he’s going to have to go out and work those fields. That’s what’s wrong with him. So, he’s telling everyone to stay on the Democratic plantation, so he can stay in the house.

Some of these people are like that.

The YouTubers told their audience to be “cautious” about the messages coming from other leaders in the African-American community. And, they repeated their call for “all people of color” to leave the Democratic Party.

“Even if you’re living in the big house, come on out,” Diamond said. “You can have a better house.”

Diamond and Silk have been touring the country as surrogates for the Trump campaign. Recently, they appeared on Aaron Klein Investigative Radio on 970 AM in New York and 990 AM in Philadelphia, to respond to Clinton’s ad last week.

Here’s Diamond’s epic rant:

Well, you know, they only smear who they fear. And the mere fact that she had a lot of things that come out on her about her emails about these pay-for-play schemes and the mere fact that Donald Trump opened up a can of worms on Hill whenever he started talkin’ about the African-American community. And he didn’t sugarcoat it. He called it exactly the way he should have called it. And the left started runnin’ scared. She started getting scared. And that’s why she came out with that speech.

See, it’s timeout for sugar coating because up under all of that sugar is mess. And he’s callin’ it like he see it. And Hillary Clinton, she has no solutions to what’s going on in the African-American or minority community or in urban cities. She has no clue. She don’t have a solution. So the best next thing let me do is bash Donald Trump.

But you all have to understand us here and she’s going to have to understand it. She do not own black people. She is not our slave master. We can vote for whoever we want to vote for. Donald Trump cannot help who embrace his campaign. But Hillary Clinton can help who she embrace. When she embraced Senator Robert Byrd. He was a KKK member. That’s what she should have been on TV talking about.

And she said that was her mentor.

That’s right. And her friend. That’s what she should have been talking about. Look at all this stuff that she has backed. And then she had the nerve to use paid actors. Paid actors in a commercial to try to smear Donald Trump. Oh, what a sad day. She don’t own black people. Black people are coming off of that Democratic plantation. She don’t get to calm the waters and tell black people not to listen to Donald J Trump. Donald J. Trump is telling the truth.

Once you get Diamond going, and Silk is pumping her up, it’s difficult to get her to stop. She continued to unload on Clinton and the Democrats for Klein’s audience:

[Trump] is not ignoring the problem. He is callin’ the problem like he see it. And he said it the way it needed to be said. When I see these black pundits on television actin’ like this don’t exist, this lets me know that they are livin’ in denial. That’s because they already live behind their picket fences. When I look out in Milwaukee and see them burnin’ down their community. They are not bring down their communities because someone got shot. They’re burnin’ down their communities because they are tired of being in poverty and not being given opportunities. That’s why they are burnin’ down their communities.

And so some of these people are in denial. Donald Trump is not in denial. And let me tell you another thing. The left, they don’t have a solution. Nobody has a solution but Donald Trump. Let’s go in and let’s fix these inner cities because this has got to stop. All of this crime has got to stop. All of this drugging has got to stop. And guess what. These people got to come up because they are part of America too. So what he is doin’ is speaking for the voiceless. The words that don’t have a voice. He’s speaking for those people. And what do (expletive) do they have to lose? Let me tell you something. Poverty. Being in impoverished areas and coming up. And comin’ up. You will gain comin’ up and having opportunities.

When people have opportunities where they are thriving they are not gonna wanna burn down their communities. They are not gonna want to kill and gun down their brothers and sisters. But when nobody have opportunities there’s no hope. They feel hopeless. Life is not worth livin’. And you got to get people to coming up again. So I appreciate the way Donald Trump say it. And he needs to keep speaking it. Keep speaking it. Because black people are listening. And what’s happening is the left is scared. Hillary Clinton is scared. But she is not our slave master. She don’t own black people and we can vote for whoever we want to vote for.


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