Donald Trump

Donald Trump Lays Out the Disqualifying Indictment of Hillary Clinton


During a speech Tuesday night in North Carolina, Republican presidential nominee laid out the framework for the electoral indictment of his Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton, saying she has disqualified herself from the highest office in the land.

“The new revelations about Hillary Clinton from the just-released FBI documents make more clear than ever that she fails to meet the minimum standard for running for public office,” he said. “If she applied for a low-level job at the State Department today she couldn’t even get a security clearance. Her conduct is disqualifying.”

Trump said he hoped NBC’s Matt Lauer, who would be hosting a candidate “town hall” event Wednesday evening, would ask about the discoveries in the recently released FBI documents. But in case he didn’t, the GOP nominee was more than happy to do so himself:

It’s clear from the FBI report that Hillary Clinton lied about her handling of confidential information. She repeatedly told the country that she understood the classified system, then she told the FBI she didn’t understand that the letter “C” meant confidential in the documents she emailed.

On 39 separate occasions she said she couldn’t recall details about her mishandling of classified information, and she couldn’t even name one step she took to make sure foreign hackers couldn’t get into her server. Keep in mind, that her insecure emails included emails about the drone program.

It’s also clear from the FBI report that Hillary Clinton and her top aides knowingly destroyed evidence and covered-up their actions. After her private server was revealed last March, her staff deleted all the emails and wiped it clean using a software designed to prevent any recovery, called BleachBit.

They used hammers to destroy phones so they couldn’t be turned over later—and by the way, who uses 12 different phones in 4 years? The only people who use that many phones are usually involved in very, very shady activity.

People who have nothing to hide don’t smash phones with hammers. People who have nothing to hide don’t bleach their emails or destroy evidence to keep it from being publicly archived as required under federal law.

Hillary Clinton failed to turn over thousands of documents, then tried to shield her criminal conduct by having her chief-of-staff declare herself to be Hillary Clinton’s private attorney.

Hillary and her top aides told the FBI and others in related lawsuits that they couldn’t recall or remember key facts hundreds of different times—and that’s in addition to the guy who set up the server “pleading the Fifth.”

Trump then went into further details about the Clinton Foundation, and how it has personally benefited the Clinton family. He turned everyone’s attention to the foundation’s relief efforts in Haiti after the devastating earthquake there in 2010:

One example of pay-for-play is what the Clinton’s did in Haiti. Let me stop here for a second and say how much we love and appreciate the Haitian-American community in Florida and across our country. We send our prayers to the many still suffering in Haiti from the earthquake.

But while Haiti has suffered, the Clintons and their pals have cashed in.

Bill and Hillary’s brothers have signed housing deals in Haiti, and one wound up on the board of a gold mining company.

Clinton Foundation donors have seen the Clintons pave the way for their investments.

In one deal, Hillary Clinton set aside environmental and labor rules to help a South Korean company with a record of violating workers’ rights set up what amounts to a sweat shop in Haiti. The facility has produced only a fraction of the jobs it promised and faces reports of wage theft.

People are asking: Where did all the money go?

Trump said it is up to voters in November to prevent the Clintons from “raiding America the way they have raided so many other people and places.” African-Americans, he added, are the most likely to suffer from Clinton policies.

“Millions of African-Americans in our inner cities remain trapped in poverty, joblessness and failing schools,” he said. “The Democratic Party has run the inner cities for 50, 60, 70 years and more.

“Four in 10 African-American children in poverty, including 45 percent of those under the age of 6. Fifty-eight percent of African-American youth are not working.

“Twenty-nine hundred people have been shot in Chicago since the beginning of the year. Nationwide, African-Americans are nearly 60 percent of the murder victims under the age of 22.

“This is a national crisis—and anybody who fails to understand that is not fit to seek the presidency of the United States.”

“To those suffering in crime and poverty,” Trump asked to be given a chance. Saying he would work to bring back jobs, rebuild inner cities, and provide educational choice, he promised to never take any Americans for granted.

“We are going to push a new Civil Rights agenda,” he said. “We believe every American has the right to a safe community, a great education and government that protects their jobs. …

“Imagine what we our country could accomplish if we started working together as One People, under One God, saluting One Flag. It is time to break with the bitter failures of the past, and to embrace a New American Future.

“In this future, we will respect the dignity of all Americans—and that means great jobs, great schools, and great neighborhoods. We will keep our children safe—which requires secure borders, a strong military, and supporting law enforcement.

“Jobs will return, prosperity will rise, and new factories will come rushing back to our shores. Government corruption will end—and the State Department will answer to the voters, not Hillary Clinton’s donors.

“Republicans are the Party of Abraham Lincoln and, come Nov. 8, we will once again have a government of, by, and for the people. We will make America proud again. We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again.”


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