Faith Leaders ‘Rise Up’ for the Soul of America


Mario Bramnick, Cindy Jacobs, Bishop Harry Jackson, Lance Wallnau, Alveda King and other prominent faith leaders will be key speakers at Rise Up, an intercessory conference for the destiny of our nation, on Monday, Nov. 5 at Jackson’s Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland. The intercessory prayer conference takes place on the eve of the midterm elections on Nov. 6.

In an exclusive interview with Charisma News, Bramnick, head of the Latino Coalition for Israel, talks about the conference and how crucial the mid-term elections are for the future of America.

Charisma News: Talk about Rise Up. It’s an intercessory prayer conference in Washington, D.C., prior to the Nov. 6 midterm elections. You will be one of the featured speakers. What do you hope will come from this?

Mario Bramnick: We will have a conference during the day and in the evening a night of intercession, focused on uniting and praying for our nation. We have Hispanic leadership, African-American leadership, Anglo leadership, Asian leadership. Its purpose is to unite together as one voice for the body of Christ and to pray for the midterm elections, to pray for our nation.

What we have seen, No. 1, is that our president is like a modern-day Cyrus. God’s hand is upon him. Our president has been a champion for religious liberty, a champion on life and marriage and for Israel. I believe there is a great spiritual battle that the enemy—and the Democratic Party is not our enemy—our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities. If we unite, if we humble ourselves, repent and cry out to the Lord God, we will again hear from heaven and heal our land.

On Nov. 8, 2016, almost two years ago, the church arose and determined the future of our country. We were faced with the fact that if Hillary Clinton had been elected, we would have lost our nation as we had known it. The church decided that we needed to mobilize, we needed to unite and to cry out to the Lord pray and fast. It was because of all those actions, even on a natural basis, that Donald Trump became our president.

We are in the middle of, I believe, the most critical midterm elections in our modern history. It is important again, that we realize that God has a plan, an original design for our nation to be salt and light for the gospel and to be advanced from here and through missions globally, to be the best friend of the nation of Israel to accomplish God’s end-times purposes. So, we’re calling the church to awaken, unite and arise in the Washington, D.C., area, the day before the mid-term elections.

CN: As a leader for the Latino Coalition for Israel, how important do you feel it is Latino believers to get out and vote in this election?

MB: I was honored to be part of the National Hispanic Advisory Council for the 2016 campaign and there was great mobilization, and there was a positive turnout of the Hispanics in favor of President Trump. I think it’s very important. I remember I was at a meeting at the White House, one of our meetings with pastor Paula White, and I released a prophetic word. I decreed President Trump, at the end of his terms, will leave a legacy as a champion of Hispanics and African-Americans.

CN: What has President Trump done specifically to bridge the gap between the Latino community and the White House?

MB: There is something that’s happening. I’ve had several meetings with the President on the plight of Hispanics. I can tell you from first-hand conversations, President Trump understands and has compassion for the Hispanic community. We have had many Hispanic outreach events at the White House and other places. There are many key Hispanic leaders working within the White House in advisory capacities.

CN: Judging by events such as the controversial confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the divide between Democrats and Republicans is wide. What do you hope to accomplish with Rise Up?

MB: We are praying adamantly for the healing of our nation. There obviously, is a terrible political divide in our nation. So, we are going to humble ourselves and cry out that God will heal our nation, heal our land by healing the political divide. We’re obviously going to be praying for the midterms and decreasing and declaring God’s purposes and will to advance that we are going forward and not retreating from what happened Nov. 8, 2018. We are releasing a multicultural sound to shift our nation and for the minority communities to arise and hear the voice of the Lord. Our main purpose is prayer and spiritual, not political.

I think there’s an army arising and I think it’s a coat of many colors. Many are going to be surprised not just by the election, but by a turnaround in our nation coming together again, as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

CN: Nobody can really predict what’s going to happen with the midterm elections. Prayer is the real key, isn’t it?

MB: We can never take prayer for granted. We need to recognize that our God is a sovereign God. But He does nothing without revealing His will to His prophets, and He looks for one to stand in the gap. From a pure analysis on the serenity of the Lord, He can do whatever He wants; He doesn’t need us. There’s an attitude of “God willing, if God wills,” but what that fails to understand is we can’t manipulate God. That’s why He said in Ezekiel, ‘I didn’t want to judge them because of their sin. I was looking for a man—and, in the Hebrew, it indicates one man—who will stand in the gap that I may not judge a nation.”

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” What does that mean? That means throughout biblical history throughout, our history, God hears our cry and is waiting for our cry to do what’s on Abba’s heart to do. It’s earth aligning with heaven’s purposes and it’s beginning to shift. God wants to move an unprecedented revival and reformation over our land. God wants this administration to be a Cyrus administration as a light shining on the hill for nations to follow suit to turn back.

As I speak to pastors and Christian government officials in Latin America, all eyes are on our administration. I guess being a little further removed although the media is just as bad in Latin America as it is here or worse. They marvel at the strides that God has done through this administration and through the church partnering with this administration in God’s hand and favor way beyond any understanding and supernatural explanation. Clearly, God is waiting for us to engage heaven to establish our nation back to its original intent as a Judeo-Christian nation built upon the Word of God as our Founding Fathers and framers of the Constitution meant it to be. This is war. But God has trained our hands and our fingers for battle. We’ve been brought here for such a time as this. It’s time for us as the body of Christ to arise to unite, humble ourselves and cry out to God and see the greatest move of God on our land—The Third Great Awakening to come to impact the world.

CN: The 2016 presidential election proved crucial for America. How crucial are these midterms?

MB: Absolutely crucial. Some leaders have said this is actually a mandate of all of what President Trump has done for our community. If we lose the midterm elections, we will lose all the ground we have received in terms of religious liberty; we would lose all of the amazing strides that we’ve seen in our economy. It’s the greatest unemployment period in history in the Hispanic/African-American community. There is very low unemployment across the board. The time of Joseph, the time of plenty, will be cut short.

It’s a period to contend for the faith that God has given us to contend for freedom. I really don’t see this as a battle between right or left or Republican or Democrat. I see it as a battle between tyranny and freedom. The enemy does not want us to have the freedoms— the God-given freedoms that we have in this nation like freedom of speech, freedom of religion—all of those were massively eroded under Democratic administrations. So, we need to realize that if we lose the House and Senate, we will lose all of the strides, and there could rise up such an anti-Christian sentiment in our nation.

To sign up for the conference, please visit

Shawn A. Akers is a content development editor for Charisma News.


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