House Lawmakers Want Answers on FBI Investigation’s ‘Extreme Bias’


Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz and FBI Director Christopher Wray are on Capitol Hill today testifying about the findings of last week’s inspector general report.

Republican lawmakers want answers.

“Now we see that whole process of that investigation was handled with extreme bias and questionable actions and people need to be held accountable,” said House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., on Fox’s “Special Report” with Bret Baier.

The “bias” he’s referring to is from a series of communications sent by FBI agents. Most notably, a text from agent Peter Strozk.

Former FBI attorney Lisa Page texted Strozk saying: “Trump’s not ever going to become president right? Right?!”

Strozk responded: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

“The FBI investigator who was on the Hillary investigation and arguably the lead Russia investigator not only wanted to stop (Trump’s) campaign, but once he won, got on the Mueller probe because he wanted to impeach him. That is a level of animus and bias that everyone should reject,” House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said on Special Report.

Democrats point out that the inspector general concluded that the bias shown in the text messages did not impact the FBI’s decision not to prosecute Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Still, congressional investigators say they want to see the original documents and will use all constitutional means available to get them.

Lawmakers also want Strozk to testify. His attorney says he’s open to appearing before Congress.

Meanwhile, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is investigating an undisclosed meeting between Trump campaign aide Roger Stone and a Russian offering information on Clinton in exchange for $2 million.

Stone said it was a “waste of time” and he didn’t mention it to the president.

President Trump took to Twitter Sunday night, calling the investigation a “witch-hunt” and blasting Agent Strozk, calling him a “sick loser.” {eoa}

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