Transgender Bathroom Sign

Are Schools Hiding Mental Disorders From Parents?


The transgender issue is spreading to school districts across the country, leaving many parents outraged or out of the loop entirely. Parents of students in the Albuquerque school district were baffled to learn that administrators told teachers not to refer to students as boys and girls.

The teachers were also told that they had to refer to students by whatever name and pronoun the student chooses, regardless of their actual name and gender. As soon as parents heard about this outrageous policy, they put overwhelming pressure on the school district to reverse it.

The policy was eventually repealed, but families in other school districts have not been so fortunate.

Parents of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg school district in North Carolina had an even worse policy forced on them and their children. Teachers of this district were instructed to encourage students suffering from gender confusion.

Teachers were also told to hide these students’ problems from parents. The written policy tells teachers to “take care not to ‘out’ a student to others, including the parents of an older student, without the student’s consent. In contacting the parents, use the student’s name/pronoun on their birth certificate unless the student or parent says otherwise.”

That means these teachers are willfully hiding important information from parents.

Parents should have the ultimate authority in how their children are educated. Teachers should not hide anything from them.

The American College of Pediatricians points out that transgenderism is another name for “gender dysphoria,” which is a recognized mental disorder. Young people who adopt the transgender lifestyle are 40 times more likely to commit suicide.

Clearly, gender confusion is a serious issue that parents need to be aware of. If teachers hide gender confusion from parents, it could cause the child detrimental harm later in life. That is why parents must be vigilant on this growing education issue.

Find out what policy your child’s school has on transgenderism. Let them know you will not tolerate any policy that encourages the hiding of information from parents. {eoa}

This article was originally published at Used with permission.


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