George Soros

Here’s What Hackers Found in George Soros’ Emails


That George Soros—a man many evangelicals consider a potential antichrist figure—hates Israel is almost a given. But thanks to recently released documents, we now know just how far he’s willing to go to advance his agenda.

DCLeaks, a “hacktivist” group that promotes “freedom of speech, human rights and government of the people,” released nearly 2,600 pages of internal documents from groups run by Soros, a billionaire who frequently puts his money behind liberal political efforts. The group explained its efforts in a statement that accompanied the document dump:

George Soros is a Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, political activist and author who is of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry and holds dual citizenship. He drives more than 50 global and regional programs and foundations. Soros is named an architect and a sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years. The USA is thought to be a vampire due to him and his puppets, not a lighthouse of freedom and democracy. His minions spill blood of millions and millions of people just to make him even more rich. Soros is an oligarch sponsoring the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton, hundreds of politicians all over the world. This website is designed to let everyone inside George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and related organisations. We present you the workplans, strategies, priorities and other activities of Soros. These documents shed light on one of the most influential networks operating worldwide.

Some security experts believe DCLeaks is directly connected with Russian intelligence agencies.

The Soros documents date as far back as 2008, but include files from this year, as well. While most of them come from the Open Society Foundations, there are also documents from dozens of other groups he has funded.

Not surprisingly, American political activity was the focus of a majority of the documents, but Israel wasn’t too far behind. According to a report from the Jerusalem Post, OSF has given nearly $10 million to “civil society groups” in Israel since 2001.

More than one-fourth of the money went to Adalah, a legal rights group for Arab Israelis.

Soros’ money went to more than just providing legal assistance to ethnic and/or religious minorities. It also went toward “opposition research” against opponents of radical Islam. According to a 2011 report titled “Extreme Polarization and Breakdown in Civil Discourse,” prominent Americans who have spoken out against radical Islam and Islamist terrorism—like Pamela Geller, Frank Gaffney and Robert Spencer—were targeted.

According to The Daily Caller‘s Chuck Ross, those efforts link back to the Hillary Clinton campaign. He reported that to combat “anti-Muslim xenophobia” and to “promote tolerance,” OSF donated $700,000 to a group founded by Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta.

The Examining Anti-Muslim Bigotry Project not only targeted Geller, Gaffney and Spencer, but also David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes, Cliff May and Liz Cheney. It also sought to create a “roster of knowledgeable and credible experts to whom journalists and policymakers can turn for information” by interviewing and engaging “journalists, researchers, academics and leaders in the anti-hate movement who are researching and writing on Islamophobia.”

The goal of all the efforts was the same: vilify Israel and promote radical Islam through “tolerance.”


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