Part 3: Project Veritas Exposes CNN’s Deceptive Techniques; Jeff Zucker Runs Away


After President Donald Trump lashed out at MSNBC’s Morning Joe hosts with an unflattering tweet, CNN devoted 13 hours of coverage Thursday on what he wrote.

Part 3 of James O’Keefe and Project Veritas’ American Pravda investigative series, however, suggests perhaps the network needs to take a long look in the mirror. At the opening of the latest installment, viewers are introduced to CNN’s New Day associate producer Johnny Carr, who held back nothing in his assessment of the president, his administration, and the American voters.

On the president, he said:

“On the inside, we all recognize he is a clown, that he is hilariously unqualified for this, that he’s really bad at this. That he does not have America’s interests. We recognize that he’s just [expletive] crazy …

“Here’s the deal. This is a man who’s not actually a Republican. He’s not actually a Republican. He just adopted that because that was the party he thought he could win in. He doesn’t believe anything that these people believe …

“The man’s on his third wife. I guarantee you he’s paid for abortions. He doesn’t [obscene phrase] about abortion. He doesn’t care about gay marriage. He doesn’t even really care about the budget. The man’s upping the budget even though he promised to rein it in.”

Lies, but told with such passion and conviction, it’s clearly obvious Carr really believes them. He went on to say, however, that he’s not alone at CNN in his assessment. He suggested “90 percent” of those who work at the network are “on board with just the fact that he’s crazy.” He got elected because, as Carr put it, American voters are “stupid as [expletive].”

He went on to add the following about White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway:

“We actually had that awful woman, Kellyanne Conway—you know, the blonde—she looks like she got hit with a shovel.”

When asked for clarification from the Project Veritas undercover journalist, he repeated the last part of his statement. O’Keefe said this kind of bias is a “plague” that has infected every aspect of the “once respected news organization.”

Like CNN Senior Medical Producer John Bonifield, who was introduced in Part 1 of the “American Pravda” series, Carr goes on to say ratings dictate news coverage at the network. But, he personally played a role in the next segment of the video in which O’Keefe demonstrates how CNN deceptively edits interviews and citizen panels to project its false narrative.

Earlier this year, at about the 60-day mark of the Trump presidency, New Day co-anchor Alisyn Camerota sat down with the president’s supporters in Connecticut to discuss how they would “grade” his administration so far. The panel was broadcast for a total of eight minutes, but according to audio leaked to Project Veritas, it actually lasted about 90 minutes.

Among those on the panel was William “Billy” Baer of New Jersey. In the broadcast version of the panel, he is portrayed as a conspiracy theorist who believed the president’s “unproven” assertion that illegal votes were cast in the election. But, the leaked audio provided an entirely different story. Baer cited actual incidents of voter fraud he witnessed as a poll watcher, and even noted O’Keefe’s investigative reporting into voter fraud.

“I have seen busloads, I guess I can’t cite the busloads I’ve seen, and where I’ve seen them and stuff,” he said. “But on television I’ve seen it, and um, I mean, has anybody looked into, like what James O’Keefe has done? When he went undercover, to those various polling places?”

“That was voter registration,” Camerota cut him off.

“I know. Well, no, he went in, he was basically ready to vote as somebody else. Nobody asked for ID. I was actually a poll watcher in New Jersey, and I saw what was going on there. There were college students voting, and there was no, there was basically …”

“Oh, so they gave them someone else’s name?” Camerota again interrupted.

“That’s right, or you use a provisional ballot and it’s never challenged. They just put it right through. This is common.”

None of that ever appeared in the segment CNN broadcast. O’Keefe said it was cut out because it didn’t fit the network’s narrative that the president pushes conspiracy theories without any basis in fact. He called it a “textbook lie of omission.”

In the final segment, O’Keefe camped outside CNN CEO Jeff Zucker’s home in Manhattan and attempted to confront him with questions, but was blocked by security guards. Zucker ignored the cameras and sped toward an SUV that sped him away. Click here to see that confrontation take place.

“In the final analysis, this is a conflict of visions between a dying, legacy, mainstream establishment media that seeks to characterize and interpret reality versus an American people that craves unfiltered, raw, real, true information,” O’Keefe said in conclusion. “No more fake news.” {eoa}

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