President Donald Trump

Prophecy: ‘Be Not Moved and Shaken by the Present Shakings’ Out of D.C.


Johnny Enlow received a fresh word from the Lord on Thursday regarding the current political climate in Washington, D.C., which he shared with Elijah List readers over the weekend.

The message should be one of reassurance to Christians, but also a reminder that we’re called to be praying for our leaders, particularly in times like these. The prophetic author wrote that we must be patient as God fulfills His plan through President Donald Trump.

He wrote, in part:

Last night I was awakened with an intense and fiery word from the Lord that I will attempt to convey. This is what I heard:

“Be not moved and shaken by the present shakings, rumblings and reactions coming out of D.C. I did not go out of My way to affect this last election to then suddenly have it aborted. I played My Trump card and I will win the hand. This move does not require My Trump card to be perfect, as I have already taken all of that into consideration—as I always do—when I choose anyone for any assignment that I have.

“Jesus was the last man who had the character in place to actually sustain the call upon His life. Since then no one has had the character base necessary for the great assignments that I have given out. Do not wrongly assume that I only call those who are qualified. I instead continually work to qualify the called, but I have amazing patience for that process. Yes, I am actively at work in upgrading My Trump card’s character even through the fire he is going through.

“Do not find yourself having less patience than I do in your zeal for character and holiness. Human religious idealism has time and time again worked against Me as you choose to prioritize that which YOU see fit instead of what I am working on next. You must learn to stay out of judgment seats you don’t belong in …

He also wrote:

“… I have chosen to play My Trump card as an interrupter of darkness and as a lead domino for national reformation—that will lead to reformation among the nations. The status quo of government had become entrenched on dark strongholds and I have played My Trump card as a disrupter of those strongholds. I have released myriads of the hosts of heaven to assist with that assignment.

“I chose Trump for purposes you must yet be patient to watch for. The hordes of hell in media have rallied in mass under Leviathan, but I will crush them under the forces that I have released under My trusted archangel Gabriel. He will be instrumental in devastating media outlets that do not position themselves as lovers of truth and goodness. There will be in-house fires that will not be able to be put out in some major media outlets. There will be the hanging by the very noose they have created for others.

“Do not be deceived by the look of power that the enemy in media presently seems to carry. Much of it will presently look very different. I have already beheaded the enemy in many places and much of the backlash you hear or see is the backlash, as it were, of a chicken with its head cut off. Its strongest kick is post-mortem—but it has already been dealt with. My Trump card is something I will continue to play, but it is a card I have already played as well. Much of the enemy’s powerful-seeming backlash is the backlash of that which is beheaded …”

Click here to read the entire article at the Elijah List website. {eoa}


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