Judge Roy Moore

Rally Planned in Support of Embattled Judge


The courts are expected to be the venues through which LGBT advocates advance their agenda, and judges are supposed to roll out the red carpet.

They certainly aren’t supposed to put up any objections.

That’s why Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore once again faces his possible removal from the bench. After directing probate judges in his state not to follow the opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court in Obergefell v. Hodges, he has been suspended by the state’s Judicial Inquiry Commission.

Moore now faces charges before the Alabama Court of the Judiciary and potential removal from office. A group led by Operation Rescue/Operation Save America is rallying to his defense, and have planned a rally for Saturday in front of the Alabama Supreme Court Building.

Rev. Rusty Lee Thomas, National Director of Operation Rescue/Operation Save America, issued the following statement:

The prophet Isaiah warned, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter (Isaiah 5:20). Our nation has long rejected Biblical truth and now we labor under a stupor of delusion. When good becomes evil, it should not be surprising that the good guys become the bad guys. The movie Robin Hood stated our current situation well, “In the days of lawlessness, those who keep the law become the outlaw.”

Our federal government for decades has been codifying evil into law. In the name of new federal values, they are destroying Christian and family values. In the name of government, they betray their sacred trust as government. In the name of the Constitution, they violate the Constitution. Under the color of law, they impose lawlessness upon the citizens of America and upon the great state of Alabama.

Our federal government continues to make straight what God has called crooked, turn moral wrongs into civil rights, and demand that “We the People” tolerate the intolerable. In the midst of this tyranny and moral anarchy, God has raised up a champion, none other than Chief Justice Roy Moore.

As a Lesser Magistrate, Chief Justice Roy Moore, is standing in the gap between federal tyranny and the life, liberty, and property of the citizens of Alabama and our nation. It is my sincere prayer that his example will spread like wild fire to inspire governors, state legislators, sheriffs, and other lower magistrates to rise up with one voice to say no to the federal beast, place the chain back on our federal government, restore law and order, and reestablish the checks and balances necessary to secure a future and hope for our nation in Jesus’ mighty name!

The rally will begin at 11 a.m. CDT.


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