Rick Santorum: ‘Common Sense, Not Common Core’


Rick Santorum believes we need Common Sense not Common Core. He is opposed to Common Core and any other top-down nationalized education standards—and he has opposed Common Core from the start!

From its beginning, the Common Core State Standards initiative has flown under the radar. Its funding, its implementation, and the substance of the standards it proposes have received little public attention, but all of them are wrong for families, wrong for students, and wrong for our teachers.

Rick is most concerned by how fast these standards were adopted and how little transparency there was in the process. Not one state legislature voted on the Common Core standards. In the forty-five states where they have been adopted, it was by an act of the governor, the state secretary of education, or the state board of education. The people most affected by this enormous policy change—parents and teachers—never had a chance to weigh in.

Rick Santorum believes we must rally together to stop any more top-down, nationalized education standards.

While some states are beginning to retreat on implementation of these standards, many are not, and many more Americans don’t even know what the Common Core standards are, since there was so little public debate in their adoption.

Rick Santorum knows that our country’s public education system isn’t working, and we all want to improve opportunities for our children, but more government intervention is not the answer. Instead, parents, teachers, school districts, and local communities should be making the important decisions about education.

This was reposted from Santorum’s official campaign website in the interest of better informing Charisma Caucus readers of the candidates’ positions on issues of vital importance to them.


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