Joe Biden, Barack Obama

Obama Wins Michigan, Romney Takes Alabama


President Barack Obama is the winner of the 16 electoral votes in Michigan—the state that benefitted the most from the auto industry bailout. Michigan, where Mitt Romney‘s father served as governor, wasn’t heavily contested by the two campaigns, though it did see some late GOP advertising.

Obama also won in New Jersey, battered last week by Hurricane Sandy.

Romney, meanwhile, has added Alabama’s nine electoral votes to his column. Romney also captured the 38 electoral votes at stake in Texas, and added wins in Louisiana, Mississippi, Kansas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Arkansas and Wyoming. He also won at least four of Nebraska’s five votes.

Obama won in New York, with 29 electoral votes. At last count, Romney has 153 electoral votes to Obama’s 123.

Texans elected Republican Ted Cruz as the state’s first Hispanic U.S. senator. Michigan Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow won re-election over former U.S. Rep. Peter Hoekstra. Democrats Kirsten Gillibrand in New York and Amy Klobuchar in Minnesota are also staying in their Senate seats. Republican John Barrasso won re-election in Wyoming.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.


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