14 Years Later, Radical Islam Is Still at War With Us


Fourteen years ago today, terror struck American soil.  Radical Islamic jihadists slaughtered thousands of innocent Americans in cold blood.

Three years ago today, terrorists murdered American diplomats in Benghazi.

Have we forgotten?

These unprovoked attacks have not ceased.  They have only increased.

The Islamic State’s terrorist army is marauding across much of the Middle East, massacring Christians in its wake.  It has beheaded American citizens in unprovoked cowardice.  It has inspired jihadists here in America to murder and maim.

Radical Islamic jihadists have murdered on military bases, bombed a marathon, shot up military recruiting centers, waylaid unsuspecting motorists with sniper attacks in D.C., Virginia, and Maryland, and opened fire on a free speech exhibit in Texas.

America was awakened to the brutal reality of radical Islam 14 years ago – its unrelenting assault on America and the freedoms for which we stand – but have we been lulled back to sleep?

We must never forget.  We must always remember and be ever vigilant to honor the memory of all those we have lost – the sacrifice of the thousands of American civilians and soldiers who have given their last full measure of devotion in the battle against radical Islam.

Make no mistake; radical Islam is still very much at war with America.  Regardless of President Obama’s proclamations that the war on terror is over, it rages on.  And we as a nation must be ready.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the self-proclaimed “Caliph” and leader of ISIS, infamously told American soldiers as he was released from detention in Iraq, “I’ll see you in New York.”

Today, 9/11, is a day of remembrance, but also a day for reflection.

As we remember those we lost and honor their lives, we must renew our resolve as a nation.  We must call Islamic terror what it is.  We must support our allies and those who are fighting with their very lives to protect Christians in Iraq, Syria, and throughout the Middle East from ISIS genocide.

Radical Islamic jihadist terrorists will not stop with a change in rhetoric.  A new job won’t turn them from their jihadist path.  Appeasing evil has never succeeded.  We must defeat them, plain and simple.

We must never forget.

For the original article, visit ACLJ.org.


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