Donald Trump

America Is at War


America is a nation at war. Whether a president who sympathizes with Islam acknowledges it or not, a large chunk of the Muslim world is actively engaged in undermining our way of life or supporting jihadi organizations planning terrorist attacks on our soil.

Across the Pacific Ocean, which used to be under the unchallenged command of the U.S. 7th Fleet, the Communist People’s Republic of China is undertaking a feverish military buildup and is daily violating the territorial integrity of American allies, while we do nothing in response. North Korea has nuclear weapons; Iran will soon have its own nukes; and Russia, our adversary that Hillary Clinton hoped to appease with a diplomatic relations “reset,” has instead become a stronger potential enemy.

Russian and Chinese fighters have buzzed American vessels and harassed our planes in the air. Libya is now a disaster; and ISIS is today more powerful than al-Qaida was at its height. After eight years of Obama, the world is a much more dangerous place, and America is viewed as a nation in decline.

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate that talks about vastly improving our national defense so that no country in the world can, or would want to, threaten us. Aggressive nations make war, President Reagan once said, when they “believe the price of aggression is cheap.” An overwhelmingly strong U.S. military is still the best deterrent to any hostile actor on the world stage.

Unfortunately, under President Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, our military has taken a whipping from political correctness, endured savage budget cuts, and been saddled with an incoherent national strategy.

We need a president who will make America safe again through a strong national defense. We need a president who will rebuild our military after years of neglect. We need a president who will not waste American lives in pointless wars or “nation-building,” but who will also not be afraid to pursue with swift military action America’s sworn enemies who threaten our people with harm.

Our next president must be prepared to pursue a policy of peace through strength, not appeasement and submission.

This article was originally published at Used with permission.


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