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Apologetics Expert: Evangelicals Must Vote Their Convictions


Evangelical voters are still the largest and most reliable voter bloc.

The church has the power to elect the nation’s next president—and that’s a fact. The more the faithful speak their minds at the polls, the better chance we have of seeing a values-driven leader at the helm of our country.

And the issues important to evangelical voters are certainly the hot-button issues for this election: religious liberties, life, marriage and foreign policy. No longer can the faithful remain silent when it comes to the leadership of our country.

The evidence of taking a back seat in politics is clear; no longer can we sit idly by as constitutional, foundational and biblical principles are swept under the rug.

In The God You Thought You Knew: Exposing the 10 Biggest Myths About Christianity, McFarland dispels the myths and untruths about Christianity and replaces that with the truth of who God really is.
  • Myth No. 1: Christianity is intolerant and judgmental toward others.
Truth: Christianity teaches to love neighbor as self and to share the love of Jesus with others.
  • Myth No. 2: Christianity cannot be true because of the evil and suffering in our world.
Truth: Christianity offers the best hope and power to deal with suffering.
  • Myth No. 3: Christianity is untrue because it is based on faith instead of facts.
Truth: The claims of Christianity are based on historical facts that can be tested.
  • Myth No. 4: Christianity has been disproven by modern science.
Truth: The latest scientific evidence points to an intelligent designer behind all creation.
  • Myth No. 5: Christianity is not a religion for the educated.
Truth: Many of the world’s top past and present scholars are Christians.
  • Myth No. 6: Christianity is boring and would be a waste of my time.
Truth: Christianity is the most adventurous life a person can experience.
  • Myth No. 7: Christianity isn’t real because it didn’t work for me.
Truth: The Christian faith is difficult yet also the most rewarding way of life.
  • Myth No. 8: Christianity is false because it is based on the Bible, which is filled with errors and contradictions.
Truth: The Bible is the most accurately preserved book in history.
  • Myth No. 9: Christianity can’t be true because it is based on a dead man coming back to life.
Truth: If the best explanation for the empty tomb of Jesus is the resurrection, then Christianity can be true.
  • Myth No. 10: Christianity isn’t real because a loving God wouldn’t send anyone to hell.
Truth: God has made great efforts to make sure many will spend eternity with Him. {eoa}

Dr. Alex McFarland is Director for Christian Worldview and Apologetics at the Christian Worldview Center of North Greenville University in Greenville, South Carolina.


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