Ted Cruz speaking

Could Ted Cruz Be the First Teavangelical President?


It could happen. Ted Cruz is beloved by the Tea Party crowd (in other words, the constitutional conservative crowd) and he’s a born-again evangelical Christian who loves talking about Jesus and the Bible. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Ted Cruz, a full-blooded Teavangelical. It fits perfectly.

The Brody File coined the original phrase back in 2012 when I wrote the book, “The Teavangelicals: The Inside Story of How the Evangelicals and the Tea Party are Taking Back America. Mitt Romney went on to win that year so maybe I wrote the book too early OR maybe I’m simply a visionary! Here’s the definition:

Teavangelical: (noun) a conservative Christian (typically evangelical) who strongly supports the Tea Party agenda or is active in the Tea Party movement (pronounced “TEE-van-GEL-i-cal”)

Now, before the media goes into shock and reaches for the smelling salts, let’s be clear: the Tea Party is code for “Constitutional Conservative.” That’s what Cruz is and always has been. So memo to the media and the liberal blogosphere: don’t get caught up in the term, “Tea Party.” I understand you’ll take it out of context but you’d be wrong to do so. After all, what’s so wrong about following the U.S. Constitution?

Here’s more from my book about this group of Teavangelicals. This is how I closed the book back in 2012 as I looked towards the future:

“The Teavangelicals’ ultimate goal is an America where the federal government is minimized and Judeo-Christian principles are maximized…this is a process that will take time measured not in months but years … many years. In the meantime, Teavangelicals will soldier on in their long, arduous task of fighting the problems of out-of-control spending, entrenched Beltway establishment protocol, and a liberal mainstream media who will do them no favors in championing their cause. But that’s okay. Because Teavangelicals have their study Bibles, pocket constitutions, and most importantly, an Almighty God who has it all under control. And Teavangelicals wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Well, low and behold guess what? Ted Cruz is now on the scene and preaching Teavangelical values and not only does he lead with evangelicals and tea party conservatives, he is organized and has plenty of cash to burn. Throw in the fact that he just happens to be a world-class debater and what do you get? A Teavangelical who can win the republican nomination. Can he win the General Election? That’s a discussion for another day but let me just say this: imagine Hillary Clinton on a debate stage vs. Ted Cruz. She’s a very good debater but Cruz is at another level. To use a basketball analogy, it would be like having a debate between Allen Iverson (“Very Good Player”) and Michael Jordan (“Hall of Famer”). Sorry, but that’s not a fair fight. That debate could be coming soon. And so could the first Teavangelical President of the United States.

By the way, on a completely narcissistic note if you’re interested in the Teavangelicals book I wrote back in 2012, the issues I discuss are very much still relevant to today. It’s on amazon.com, and The Brody File will even throw in a free, “John 3:16” sign complete with the rainbow wig seen in football stadium end zones around the country!

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