Michele Bachmann

Michele Bachmann: This Will Be ‘Last Election’ If Hillary Wins Presidency


In an interview with The Brody File, former presidential candidate Michele Bachmann says this will be the “last election” if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency. She says the GOP won’t win another election if she’s in the White House. “Hillary Clinton will ensure it won’t happen because she’s going to change the demographics of the United States so that no Republican will ever win again,” Bachmann tells me. Therefore, Bachmann has a message for all the anti-Trump folks. “I say get over it! All the ‘Never Trumpers,’ all the establishment Republicans that are out there saying ‘we’ll just take our chances and four years from now we’ll have a better candidate, then we can take the White House,’ it’s not going to happen.”

So what’s is her full explanation on all this? Watch and read it here. She made these remarks during our interview at her home in Minnesota this past Friday. Bachmann is one of Trump’s formal evangelical advisers and advises him informally on foreign policy.

“Well, I don’t want to be melodramatic but I do want to be truthful. I believe without a shadow of a doubt this is the last election. This is it. This is the last election. And the reason why I say that, David, is because it’s a math problem. It’s a math problem of demographics and a changing United States. If you look at the numbers of people who vote and who live in the country and who Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton want to bring in to the country, this is the last election when we even have a chance to vote for somebody who will stand up for godly moral principles. This is it. Hillary Clinton, I’m not judging her spiritually or where she is at but we know where she’s going to come down on Supreme Court justices. She’s pro-Planned Parenthood. She’s for everything I’m against. I think it’s very clear. We’ve got a day and night contrast. This isn’t even close between what Donald Trump stands for and espouses and what Hillary Clinton stands for and espouses. People look at Trump and he can be coarse and a little crude and all the rest, and I say, get over it! Get over it, because what he is going to do is uphold religious liberty and advance the constitutional republic that our founders gave us.”

“She (Hillary Clinton) has said herself that she is going to grant wholesale amnesty to people from the Third World who are here in the United States and we hear this fake number of eleven million illegal aliens in the United States. Wrong! It’s about thirty to forty million illegal aliens currently in the United States. Thirty to forty million! What Hillary Clinton’s ultimate goal is to secure her reelection. The very first thing she will do as President Hillary Clinton is this: She will have a wholesale amnesty so that republicans will never again have the chance at winning Florida or Texas. If we can’t win Florida or Texas, it’s game over.”

Bachmann continues, “God says to every nation for all of time, ‘I set before you life and death. What are you going to choose?’ If you look at the book of Genesis, you don’t even have to get beyond Chapter 3 to see God gives us life. The first thing He gives mankind is life. What does man choose? Death. We choose rebellion and death. You go from Genesis all through the Bible to the book of Revelation; man stupidly makes the same decision over and over again by rejecting life and choosing death. What I’m telling you is, that’s what we’re looking at now in this country.” {eoa}

David Brody is an Emmy Award winning 23-year veteran news journalist who is chief political correspondent or CBN News.

This article originally published at CBNNews.com. Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., All rights reserved.


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