Islamist Protesters

No, Islam is to Blame


Earlier this week, the war Islam has declared on the West came to America’s heartland when Abdul Razak Ali Artan, an observant Muslim “refugee” from Somalia, rammed his car through a crowd of students and faculty at Ohio State University, then leaped out of the car and began stabbing the stunned onlookers with a butcher knife.

In recent months, federal law enforcement officials have raised concerns about online Islamist propaganda that encourages knife and car attacks, which are easier to pull off than bombings.

However, as usual, Republican and Democratic establishment politicians and the establishment media could not bring themselves to confront the reality imposed upon the American people by their support for mass Muslim immigration to the United States.

Establishment Republican Governor of Ohio John Kasich cautioned that “we may never find out” the motivations of the attacker.

Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs, whose officers also responded to the attack, said terrorism had not been ruled out. “That’s why our federal partners are here and helping,” she said. “I think we have to consider that it is.”

So, police are investigating whether it was a terrorist attack—no mention of “Islamist terrorist attack” or “radical Islam” or “Muslim extremism,” just generic “terrorism.” With no working hypothesis on a motivation attributed to the terrorist, what kind of an investigation can they possibly conduct?

He was “upset,” he was “deranged,” he was anything but a motivated Muslim fighter fighting for his cause is where this is undoubtedly headed in Chief Jacobs’ mind, given that under Obama, all references and information about the doctrine of jihad and the Islamic foundations of terrorism have been purged from law enforcement and military training.

“Ohio State University Student Dead After Driving Into Crowd, Stabbing People at OSU Campus” ABC News reported, without mentioning that the attempted mass murder was perpetrated by an outspoken Muslim student and bore a striking similarity to the Muslim terrorist attack in Nice, France.

Columbus, Ohio Mayor Andrew J. Ginther said. “It is important in these difficult times that we come together as a community to support one another, and to resist the temptation to lash out in anger, or to let the actions of one person define an entire community. As an open, diverse and inclusive city, it is especially important to stand with our entire community and work toward productive strategies to stop senseless acts of violence everywhere.”

Ginther made no reference to Artan’s background, but said he is proud that Columbus is “warm and welcoming” to immigrants and refugees. “We welcome people from all over the world,” said the Mayor.

Except Abdul Razak Ali Artan wasn’t a “refugee.” He is part of an invading army, and this act of violence wasn’t “senseless” at all—it was part of a strategy of war Islam has used for 1,700 years to spread terror in the infidel enemy’s heartland.

Rep. Adam Schiff, of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said that although the bloodshed is still under investigation, it ”bears all of the hallmarks of a terror attack carried out by someone who may have been self-radicalized.”

Self-radicalized to what? The Amish version of Anabaptist Christianity? Cornish nationalism? Independence for the Conch Republic? Mr. Schiff cannot say, but he is quick to sever Artan’s actions from Islam by suggesting he was “self-radicalized.”

Leaders of Muslim organizations and mosques in the Columbus area quickly condemned the attacks while cautioning people against jumping to conclusions or blaming a religion or an ethnicity.

This is now a well-rehearsed bit of taqiyya, the doctrine of deception well-defined in the Quran. In Suras 16:106 and 3:28, the Quran allows Muslims to lie in order to protect themselves or to protect the Muslim community.

And so, almost word for word, the same phrases are mouthed before a compliant establishment media after every attack—don’t blame Islam for 9/11; don’t blame Islam for San Bernardino; don’t blame Islam for Chattanooga; don’t blame Islam for Orlando; don’t blame Islam for the Moore, Oklahoma beheading; don’t blame Islam for the attack on Philadelphia police officer Jesse Hartnett; don’t blame Islam for the Mall of America slashings; don’t blame Islam for the bombings in New York and New Jersey or the shooting at the Cascade Mall Macy’s in Burlington, Washington and certainly don’t blame Islam for the Boston Marathon bombing.

When are America’s establishment elite, the politicians and media personalities who work behind metal detectors and armed guards and who have staff to run to Macy’s, going to recognize and admit Islam is indeed to blame when Americans going to class, to the mall or to work are killed or maimed by jihadis?

And it’s not “radical Islam,” it’s the Islam practiced by millions of Muslims throughout the world, including those living right here in America.

If you follow the news from Israel, you might have a better sense of the practical reality of how living with a large population of Muslims actually works.

A year or so ago, The Wall Street Journal described two weeks of Palestinian assaults that began when Hamas killed a Jewish couple as they were driving with their four children in the northern West Bank. Two days later, a Palestinian teenager stabbed two Israelis to death in Jerusalem’s Old City, and also slashed a woman and a 2-year-old boy. Hours later, another knife-wielding Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli police after he slashed a 15-year-old Israeli boy in the chest and back.

Other Palestinian attacks include the stabbing of two elderly Israeli men and an assault with a vegetable peeler on a 14-year-old. On Sunday, an Arab-Israeli man ran over a 19-year-old female soldier at a bus stop, then got out of his car, stabbed her and attacked two men and a 14-year-old girl. Several attacks have been carried out by women, including a failed suicide bombing.

These attacks are not random acts of self-radicalized madmen; they are instigated by Muslim imams preaching hate in mosques, which are not so much religious institutions as they are the command centers of a cultural and military invasion.

“Brothers, this is why we recall today what Allah did to the Jews,” one Gaza imam said in a recorded address, translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or Memri, and quoted by The Wall Street Journal. “Today, we realize why the Jews build walls. They do not do this to stop missiles but to prevent the slitting of their throats.”

Then, brandishing a six-inch knife, he added: “My brother in the West Bank: Stab!”

One of the few politicians to get the Battle of Ohio State right was Ohio’s Republican State Treasurer Josh Mandel, who tweeted: “Looks like Radical Islamic terror came to my alma mater today. So sad what happened at OSU. We must remain vigilant against radical Islam.” About two hours later, he tweeted the last line again.

Mandel’s tweet came after the student responsible for the attack was identified as a Muslim, a Somali refugee who stayed for a short time in Pakistan, characteristics shared by several other Muslim terrorists.

But here’s what truth-tellers like Josh Mandel and President-elect Donald Trump are up against in trying to win this war.

No sooner had Mandel tweeted his call for vigilance than he was attacked by Michael Premo, chief of staff for Ohio Senate Democrats, who blasted Mandel, tweeting, “Looks like knee-jerk islamophobia came to my state today. So sad what @JoshMandelOhio said. We must remain vigilant against prejudice.”

Vigilance is not Islamophobia. As long as establishment politicians like Governor John Kasich, Mayor Andrew J. Ginther, Michael Premo and Congressman Schiff refuse to recognize and name the Muslim enemy—and use every tool of our national power to fight it—more Americans going to class, to work and to the mall will find themselves in the middle of a battle zone, as they did yesterday at Ohio State. {eoa}

George Rasley is editor of ConservativeHQ, a member of American MENSA and a veteran of over 300 political campaigns, including every Republican presidential campaign from 1976 to 2008. He served as lead advance representative for Governor Sarah Palin in 2008 and has served as a staff member, consultant or advance representative for some of America’s most recognized conservative Republican political figures, including President Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp. He served in policy and communications positions on the House and Senate staff, and during the George H.W. Bush administration he served on the White House staff of Vice President Dan Quayle.

This article was originally published at Used with permission.


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