President Obama

President Obama Lied About ‘Growing Chorus’ of Transgender Complaints


Remember when President Obama’s departments of education and justice sent out their “Dear Colleague” letter to public schools and colleges around the country, demanding that they allow opposite-sex usage of bathrooms and locker rooms to comply with their interpretation of Title IX?

Remember when President Obama said his administration had acted as the result of a “growing chorus” of complaints about discrimination? Well, now we know that was a lie. And not just a little lie, either.

That “growing chorus” he spoke of? Turns out it was six transgender student complaints and 27 pre-written “form letters.” That was the result of a Freedom of Information Act demand made by Public Advocate, a government watchdog organization.

The group’s president, Eugene Delgaudio, issued the following statement after receiving the documentation:

Public Advocate has now exposed the lies underlying this lawless transgendered bathroom decree.

Two Obama departments claimed that in opening the girls’ bathroom and showers to boys that it was acting in response to the requests of a “growing chorus of educators, parents, and students” who demanded it. But we now know that this claim is a fraud upon the American people.

There was no “growing chorus” of Americans supporting transgender access to the bathroom of their choice—in fact there were only six individual letters—not even an octet. In fact, if there is a “growing chorus” who communicated their views—it was made up of those hundreds of parents who strongly opposed what the Obama Administration has now done. Public Advocate has obtained over 100,000 likes, petitions, and shares on just a handful of websites responding negatively and in opposition to President Obama’s transgender policies.

We now see that Obama based this grotesque social experiment on the views of only six troubled and confused Americans, along with 27 pre-written form letters. Meanwhile, the Department of Education completely ignored the over 4,000 Americans who wrote it to oppose the idea.

The public information request discovered the DOE received only six letters from individuals actually supporting transgendered bathrooms. On the other hand, it received 42 letters from individuals specifically asking DOE not to give in to transgender bathroom demands.

In addition to the 27 form letters in favor of bathroom desegregation, DOE received at least 4,100 petitions asking that DOE not desegregate school bathrooms. Additionally, it received a handful of letters from pro-homosexual/transgender lobbying groups—all special interest groups—much different from the individual “educators, parents, and students,” the Obama Administration claimed.

The DOJ, on the other hand, has “slow walked” Public Advocate’s FOIA demand. It recently advised the group only the DOE has any records, and there is only an “outside possibility” DOJ has any records at all.


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