Project Veritas Part III: Ducks, Donna and the DNC

Project Veritas Part III

Journalist James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas have released Part III of their undercover investigation into alleged voter fraud, racketeering and illegal campaign coordination between Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the Democratic National Committee and several political action committees.

The newest video, released Monday afternoon, exposes prohibited communications between Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and Americans United for Change to conspire to have a volunteer in a Donald Duck costume following Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, on the campaign trail.

“The direct involvement of the campaign and the Democratic National Committee with Americans United for change and Donald ducks smacks of illegal coordinated campaign expenditures,” O’Keefe said. “Federal campaign law experts have told us, ‘The Ducks on the ground are likely public communications for purposes of the law. It’s political activity opposing Trump paid for by Americans United for Change funds, but controlled by Clinton and her campaign.’

“Representatives of Hillary’s campaign run daily conference calls we witness with [Bob] Creamer and AUFC managers and their operatives they were talking about where to send the ducks and the Ducks message and not just the campaign. Donna Brazille’s Democratic National Committee was in on it, as well.”

Numerous times throughout this new installment, the following points are made by liberal operatives:

  • Hillary Clinton decided to have the “ducks on the ground.”
  • The DNC, under Donna Brazille’s leadership, continued to dictate the “message” that accompanied the duck appearances, even after it officially dropped its sponsorship.
  • The campaign, DNC, and PAC operatives knew that what they were doing was illegal and wanted to keep it secret.
  • Disney took issue with the use of their character, and went through Brazille—who had a working relationship with Disney-owned ABC News—to have the program altered.
  • Those involved in the project wanted the ducks to “get roughed up.”

O’Keefe states in the video that Congress passed the campaign coordination law after Watergate. To prove a violation of that law, there are three requirements:

  • Payment—by someone else other than the candidate for election activity
  • Conduct—a campaign being materially involved in shaping communications by third-party groups
  • Content—running electoral advocacy close to an election

“The payment is complicated, but just the fact that [Scott] Foval, a paid employee of Americans United for Change was the duck at some events constitutes payment by AUFC,” he said. “Conduct, based on their own admission, the campaign, Creamer—their agent—and AUFC coordinated the duck activities. And, finally, content. Donald Duck’s undeniably political content directed against one candidate for the sole purpose of helping another.

“The connection between Creamer, President Obama and Hillary Clinton is undeniable, as are the campaign law violations. If it looks like a duck, if it talks like a duck, and it walks like a duck, it’s probably a duck. They broke the law.

O’Keefe noted that last week Clinton denied any connection to Creamer and AUFC. He said it’s time Americans demand she start telling the truth.

And this is hardly the end of the Project Veritas bombshells.

“Stay tuned,” O’Keefe said. “Because there’s more to come.”

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