Roy Moore

These Are the Judges Who Will Decide the Fate of Roy Moore’s Career


Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley has announced the seven replacement judges who will preside over the appeal for Chief Justice Roy Moore.

These seven judges were selected from a pool of 50 retired appellate justices and judges, circuit court judges and district court judges:

  1. H. Edward McFerrin
  2. Robert Cahill
  3. William King
  4. James Reid
  5. Lynn Bright
  6. Ralph Ferguson Jr.
  7. John Coggin

Liberty Counsel founder and Chairman Mat Staver, who is representing Moore on the appeal, said his organization was currently reviewing the selected judges for any conflicts of interest. Barring their finding a problem, they will ask the judges to immediately consider the chief justice’s motion to open his case file for public scrutiny.

“Chief Justice Moore is entitled to receive a fair hearing,” Staver said. “He has also asked for the case to be unsealed and will request this current panel of judges to accommodate his request. The public should now have access to that information.”


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