Judicial Watch Panel

Watch the Video: Government Watchdog Slams Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal


All of the recent revelations about potential pay-for-play and corruption tying the Clinton Foundation and the U.S. Department of State during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state is a lot to take in.

During a special panel discussion, titled “Clinton Scandal Update—Emails and the Clinton Foundation,” the government watchdog group Judicial Watch sought to educate voters about what has been found, what it means, and how to navigate the ways in which the Clinton presidential campaign and officials within the federal government are trying to cover it all up. Panelists for the discussion were:

  • Peter Schweizer—author of The New York Times best-seller Clinton Cash and president of Government Accountability Institute
  • Joe diGenova—former U.S. Attorney, independent counsel, and founding partner of the Washington, D.C., law firm diGenova & Toensing
  • Chris Farrell—director of investigations and research at Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton served as moderator of the discussion. Among the key points made during the 90-minute discussion: FBI Director James Comey is “distorting the law” by claiming “intent” was a mitigating factor in Clinton’s mishandling of classified information, and Clinton’s role in the largely-ignored (by liberal mainstream media) Russian uranium deal.


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