Izzy Singing and Playing Piano

You Can’t Unwatch This 11-Year-Old Homeschooler’s Pro-Trump Video


With mere hours to go before the final votes are cast in the 2016 presidential election, an 11-year-old homeschool student’s music video is inspiring evangelical Christians to go to the polls.

“I hope that this song, ‘Christians—Don’t Stay Home on Election Day,’ will show Christians that there is a big difference between Trump and Hilary,” the young girl who is simply identified as “Izzy,” said in a press release announcing the video. “It is the difference between life and death.”

The song, written by Izzy and her 13-year-old sister, focuses largely on the Christian genocide in the Middle East and the abortion holocaust. It was a homeschool project their family took on after meeting fellow Christians who wanted to sit out the election or do a protest vote for third-party candidates.

“There are Christians who think they are being holy by not voting, but that’s not true,” Izzy said. “Like in the Good Samaritan parable Jesus told, if you walk on and ignore the cries, you are guilty.”

Izzy’s mother noted that millions of Christians sat out or voted third party the last two presidential elections, which led to the Democrats taking over and “causing millions of innocent lives to be lost.”

She also noted that Clinton has taken millions of dollars from radical Islamist countries, as well as Planned Parenthood.

“Under Obama and Hillary’s watch, ISIS grew huge, and hundreds of thousands of Christians have had to flee their homes, while thousands more have been tortured, killed, and raped,” she said. “If we allow this innocent blood to be shed by not voting for the one who will save lives, God will hold us accountable.”


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