Marco Rubio

Is Marco Rubio’s Support Snowballing?


U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio is quickly shoring up support from all corners of the Republican Party establishment.

Following his third-place showing in Iowa, he’s seen a steady flow of new supporters. Thursday morning alone, his campaign announced three new endorsements:

U.S. Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-Ga.)—”Over the last seven years, the Obama administration has crippled our presence abroad. We are no longer seen as the world leader to promote democracy, peace and freedom for all. What America needs now more than ever is leadership, and I believe Marco Rubio is the man for the job.

“Marco’s experience on the Senate Intelligence Committee and his strong stance on foreign policy make him the most qualified candidate to lead our nation. He understands the threats our country faces every day, and how to protect our nation, citizens and interests abroad. I am proud to give my support to Marco Rubio, the next president of the United States.”

U.S. Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.), co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus—”After seven years of a reckless administration that views the challenges facing the world as they wish, and not as they really are, our country needs a proven leader who understands the importance of limited government, a strong national defense, and a free enterprise system that will grow our economy. I wholeheartedly believe that Marco Rubio is the right person for the job, and I am proud to endorse him for president.

“More than any other candidate, Marco Rubio has the right ideas to take on the threats we face around the world. As a member of the intelligence and foreign relations committees, he has seen firsthand the importance of identifying our enemies and standing by our friends, and he knows what it takes to win the war against ISIS.

“Furthermore, he recognizes the significance of protecting the homeland by securing our borders. When Marco Rubio is president, he will cancel President Obama’s unconstitutional executive amnesty, sanctuary cities will lose their federal funding, and criminal aliens will be immediately deported. As a border-state representative in Congress, I trust him to solve these problems once and for all.

“Conservative leaders are lining up behind Marco Rubio because he has a proven and tested record, and has the ability to unite our party and win in November. I have full confidence that he will lead us into a 21st century in which our world will be more stable, our families will be safer, and our children and grandchildren will have more opportunities than ever before.”

U.S. Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.)—”It’s no secret that hardworking families across Pennsylvania are frustrated with the direction our country is headed, but anger alone is not enough—we need solutions. 

“Marco Rubio is the one candidate in the race with the right plan to grow the economy, roll back the president’s illegal executive orders, and work with Congress to address the challenges facing our great nation. 

“Moreover, during these dangerous times, Marco understands national security and I am confident that he is the right leader to work to keep our families safe. I look forward to supporting Marco Rubio for president, and I firmly believe he can inspire and unite conservatives across Pennsylvania and the country.”

Rubio now has the support of six senators, 29 representatives, eight former members of Congress, and two of his former competitors in the GOP presidential primary field.

The Rubio campaign claims it now has more endorsements from conservative congressmen than any other candidate. In a press release, it quoted the first member of Congress to endorse the Florida senator, U.S. Rep. Tom Rooney (R-Fla.), who said he isn’t surprised by the “surge of support” for Marco.

“I am excited so many of my conservative colleagues have endorsed Marco Rubio for president,” he said. “Marco is the one candidate that has what it takes to unite the party and defeat Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in November. His optimistic message of expanding the American Dream is one conservatives can rally behind. Together, we will help elect Marco to the White House so this century can be a New American Century.”

Is the “surge” real or contrived, though?

The polling data in New Hampshire suggests it might not be just boastful hype. According the Real Clear Politics average in the Granite State, Rubio has surpassed both John Kasich and Ted Cruz to move into second place, after idling for weeks in fourth or fifth place.


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