Shocking Billboard Targets Black Women for Abortions
A new billboard along a Dallas highway encourages African-American women to choose abortion.
“Black women take care of their families by taking care of themselves,” the billboard reads. “Abortion is self-care.”
The billboard is sponsored by a Dallas-based group called The AFIYA Center.
According to its website, “Our mission is to serve black women and girls by transforming their relationship with their sexual and reproductive health through addressing the consequences of reproduction oppression.”
CBN News contacted The AFIYA Center and was told the billboard was put up on Monday and is still running.
In the early 20th century, Margaret Sanger founded Planned Parenthood, an organization that later became the nation’s largest abortion provider. She encouraged abortion and sterilization to limit the size of black families.
“Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, once said ‘colored’ people are like weeds; they need to be exterminated,” Dr. Alveda King, director of Civil Rights for the Unborn, once told CBN News.
Blacks make up only 13 percent of the U.S. population, yet more than 30 percent of aborted babies are from black mothers.{eoa}
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