What Will Evangelical Voters Do for the Midterm Elections?


Thanks to a record turnout of evangelicals in the 2016 election, President Trump sits in the Oval Office with a majority on Capitol Hill. Now, all eyes are on the 2018 midterms. The big question this time is will that same force head to the polls without Mr. Trump’s name on the ballot?

We’ve heard the mainstream media narrative over and over again: predictions of a “wave” that could put Democrats in control of the House and possibly the Senate too. It has conservatives, like Ralph Reed, chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, on high alert for what that means for the faith agenda and the Trump administration.

“They are going to move to impeach the president. There’s no question about it,” Reed tells CBN News. ‘They can’t and won’t deny it and if you think it’s a good idea for the United States of America to be tied up in an impeachment proceeding for the two years leading up to the re-election of the president then by all means make Nancy Pelosi speaker and Chuck Schumer majority leader because that’s what’s going to happen.’

Evangelical leaders say the only way it won’t happen is for the flock of evangelicals to show up in force come November.

“For President Trump’s agenda to be furthered, they’ve got to have the evangelical vote, they have to,” says Chad Connelly, the 2016 faith director for the Republican National Committee.

Reprinted with permission from CBN.com. Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, all rights reserved. {eoa}

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