Sir Anthony Hopkins: Atheist Turned Christian Credits God for 45 Years of Sobriety


Award-winning actor and former atheist Sir Anthony Hopkins turns 83 years old tomorrow. But today he celebrates 45 years of sobriety after a miraculous intervention.

In 1975, a woman asked him at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, “Why don’t you just trust in God?” Hopkins admits that he was at such a point of desperation that he thought, Well, why not?

As he recalls his addiction and powerlessness to change on his own, he tells of a small inner voice that asked him to choose: life or death.

After turning to God, his destructive desire for alcohol disappeared.

Aware of the grief many have experienced throughout 2020, Hopkins encourages today’s youth in this brief, 1-minute video, where he describes the message he heard 45 years ago that changed his life.

Hopkins was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. As an actor, director and producer, he has received many accolades.


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