Ex-Witch Warns Against Evils of Upcoming Holiday ‘Steeped in Witchcraft’


Halloween may seem like a fun holiday with candy, kids and costumes, but is it?

Jenny Weaver, who practice witchcraft before fully surrendering her life to Christ, says a firm no.

In fact, she tells host Sid Roth on a recent episode of It’s Supernatural!, it has its origins in a holiday created to summon the god of the dead and ask evil spirits to roam the earth. Costumes, she says, came from the practice of dressing up in disguises against evil spirits who might take vengeance.

Witches and Satanists use the Halloween holiday as a prime time to work evil, including animal sacrifices, kidnapping, murders and other crimes, Weaver says. “This is a holiday that witches and Satanists look forward to like Christians look forward to Resurrection Sunday or Christmas,” she says. “This is a holiday that witches, Satanists, people who are doing magic are on high alert.”

Watch the entire interview above or at this link to hear more from Jenny Weaver on the dangers of this holiday.

Innocent or evil? Let us know what you think! {eoa}


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