Family Research Council President Tony Perkins Stands ‘Unyielding for the Truth’ Amid Backlash


Tony Perkins, former Louisiana state representative and president of the Family Research Council, is standing up once again for his beliefs in the face of backlash.

He appeared on Andrew Wommack’s Truth and Liberty Coalition‘s Monday night broadcast to talk about three values important to every conservative American: faith, family and freedom.

“Look, we need God. We need God to move on our behalf. We need to repent as a nation of the stuff that’s being pushed through,” Perkins said on the livestream, originally reported by Right Wing Watch.

Perkins spoke on the elimination of the filibuster and the Mexico City Policy, along with other abortion-related legislation, of which he commented, “This is atrocious, and we need to be praying that God would move in our country.” Though, these words were not the ones met with opposition.

While many on social media are rallying against his solid defense of biblical values being upheld in government, it is the prayer that Perkins prays over President Biden and Vice President Harris that has critics fuming.

“I pray for God’s blessing on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, [that] they yield themselves to him, praying that he would turn their hearts as he does the rivers of water,” he says.

“But if they refuse the truth and go against the truth, I pray that they would be confused, they would have conflict and gridlock would settle upon Washington, D.C.,” Perkins continues.

Host Andrew Wommack agrees that there is “a time to pray against evil,” with co-host Richard Harris linking the statement to David’s prayer in Psalm 35 that God would turn the enemy against themselves.

“We need to remember our mission,” Perkins reminds listeners. In the face of opposition, “our mission is to set the captives free with the truth of God.”

He exhorts believers: “We can’t back away from that mission. We can’t shrink back. We can’t be silent. But we also cannot become hardened in this battle that is only going to intensify, so we need to pray; we need to be in the Word of God; and then we need to stand unyielding for the truth of God’s Word.”

Watch the full interview here, and join Perkins in prayer for godly wisdom to flood the nation to restore it back to its godly roots. {eoa}

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