Popular Ministry Leader States the Antichrist is Already Here


Many believers will argue and say that the Antichrist has yet to come to this earth. In this video, however, Lion of Judah Ministries contends that the Antichrist is already here and is alive and well.

Perhaps he has not made his presence known in a physical sense. But the spirit of Antichrist, Lion of Judah says, is alive and well on planet earth and his message is being spread worldwide.

“The Antichrist is here, and the evidence is that he sitting on the throne of the hearts of men,” the video proclaims. “Some Christian circles believe that this man has already been born and now it is just a matter of time before he is revealed on the stage of mankind. We don’t know if that is true or not, but what we do know is that when he comes, his primary objective is to be worshiped, to be exalted and to be uplifted. All of the adoration that rightfully belongs to God, he will want it for himself.”

This may be a future act in a physical realm, but the walls of the kingdom of the Antichrist have already been built before our very eyes, and many believers are simply choosing to ignore it. Lion of Judah Ministries says the Antichrist is already on his throne, waiting for the doors of his kingdom to be opened.

“He has already sent his servants out into the world to gather followers and subjects in anticipation for his big reveal,” the video says. “Many view the coming of the Antichrist as a future event, but it is not. He is here already, and many are waiting at his doors. The proof that he is already here is evident to see just by looking at this world. He’s creeping into the hearts of mankind and secretly putting himself at the throne of their hearts.”

1 John 4:3 reads, “… and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and is already in the world.” (MEV). {eoa]

For more of this compelling video, watch above.

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