Shift of Spiritual Realm, Prayers for Healing Mark Re-United as One Summit


Global prayer leaders say the spiritual realm shifted over Turtle Island, Canada, the United States and Mexico, as intercessors and watchmen extended love, offered forgiveness and released blessings over every tribe, language, people and nation at a summit in Colorado.

At three locations along the Continental Divide, prayer warriors built altars of reconciliation, asked God’s blessings and decreed Scripture over the nations during the Re-United as One Summit June 17-19 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

From Israel and at least 15 states including Alaska and Hawaii, watchmen celebrated their diversity in race, tongue and gender with dance, worship, praise and gifts. They declared unity within God’s family before heading to a mountain summit in Colorado, while other prayer warriors gathered at locations along the Continental Divide in Mexico and Canada.

At 11,539-foot Hoosier Pass in Colorado, intercessors built an altar of stones from the Holy Land, Africa and states from East to West Coasts and from northern to southern borders. Members of Native American tribes locked arms with brothers and sisters of Black, Brown, red and white skin, declaring love for God and one another as they danced around the altar of stone and read Scriptural decrees.

As the host people of Turtle Island, tribal representatives emphasized the importance of honor and protocol by acknowledging that Colorado Springs is situated in Southern Cheyenne territory. A Southern Cheyenne chief sent a note through Jean Steffenson, a “mother of reconciliation,” to prayer summit leaders and guests.

Kiowa Apache and born in Oklahoma, Francine O’Brien prefers to pray inside a closet at home in Missouri, but she decided to add her voice in worship with spiritual warriors in Colorado.

“We’re at the beginning of what God’s wanting to do,” O’Brien said. “He’s always looking for obedient ones who come along to finish what others began before,” she said.

O’Brien’s husband Tim, who stayed home, always asks about the fruit of prayer events she attends. “Things were accomplished,” she said. “We’re in faith, believing for unity. The apostle Paul said, ‘Let there be no division among you,'” O’Brien pointed out.

In native dress, Shelley Haupt read the words of James 1:20: “For the anger of man does not work the righteousness of God.” She then placed a stone from Mesgwaki-Thawgeeuhkuk territory in Michigan at the newly built altar in the Rocky Mountains.

“I pray that my native people would get through the deception about Jesus being white man’s religion and get to the other side,” said Haupt, who believes Christ alone heals the native nations. “We have to somehow bring Him into the very inner circles of our ceremonies,” she said.

Communion and worship sealed the summit on Saturday morning which, by divine orchestration, was Juneteenth (June 19), a federal holiday that commemorates the final vestige of African slavery in Texas.

Dr. Venessa Battle, a ministry leader in Kenya and Liberia, highlighted the prophetic significance of hosting the Re-United as One summit on Juneteenth, a new federal holiday.

“We thank God it [Juneteenth] is in place to celebrate a time when God intervened,” said Battle.

Telling how her ministry broke “a spirit of poverty” off people on the east and west coasts of Africa, Battle incited people in Colorado Springs to give in a spontaneous cash offering that overflowed a wicker basket at Calvary Baptist Church.

Co-founder of the Global and USA Watches, Dr. Susan Rowe said Battle’s testimony of provision in both Liberia and Kenya “is going to produce stewardship where there’s been poverty.”

“There’s a shift of mindset,” said Rowe, a prayer leader and author of prayer and prophetic books, including one that predicted the 9/11 attacks on America.

Rowe issued an exhortation to intercessors to share the goodness of God with their communities when they returned home. “The time is now,” she said.

Mary Faus, an Ojibway Cree from Canada, heads up the Native American Prayer Watch. With USA Watch leaders hosting, the summit was marked by unity, honor and love, she said.

“We came in a place of partnership where the ancient roots of our people—the hosts of the land—were honored,” Faus said. “The person of Yeshua is the living Word in our midst. There’s a connecting of heaven and earth,” she added.

As the Native American Watch host, Faus received a thank-you gift from a member of the Kiowa Apache tribe—a dark blue T-shirt with a white buffalo imprint.

As a charter bus carried intercessors down from the summit of Hoosier Pass, the driver pointed out a white buffalo, which is a good sign to many tribes.

“The return of the white buffalo is a sign that prayers are being heard, a sign of prosperity, plenty and abundance,” Faus said.

Apostles and pastors Jack and Terri Brown, who lead The Table Church in Colorado Springs, prayed for an end to hate before their guests received emblems of Jesus’ broken body and shed blood as a demonstration of His love for all the nations. {eoa}

Steve Rees is a former general assignment reporter who, with one other journalist, first wrote about the national men’s movement Promise Keepers from his home in Colorado. Rees and Promise Keepers Founder Bill McCartney attended the Boulder Vineyard. Today Rees writes in his free time.

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