Todd White: Know Jesus’ Finished Work on the Cross to Fully Know Him


Seeing God as our heavenly Father cannot be accomplished until the cross is made real to you, Pastor Todd White says.

“I have to know the love of God to experience God,” he says. “To physically, mentally, spiritually experience the love of God is to be filled with His fullness.”

Before we can get to that point, White says, we must understand that the message of the Bible is summed up in the finished work on the cross. Then, “you can understand why you’re on the earth,” and make yourself “ready as the bride” to await the heavenly bridegroom’s return.

The readying process must occur so that the “debris” of sin is cleared away, White continues. “There’s nothing that takes the debris out except for the blood of Jesus, because the blood of Jesus speaks better things.”

The blood of Jesus “cleanses your conscience from dead works to serve God.”

For more on how having a clear conscience allows us to know God and serve Him better, watch this recent message from Todd White now.


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