‘Too Young Too Soon’ Highlights This All-Too-Common Tragedy


If you are in crisis, please call 1-800-273-8255 or visit suicidepreventionlifeline.org. You are not alone.

Christian worship artist Matthew West recently released a new version of his anti-suicide song “Too Young Too Soon” featuring his daughter Luella, “Lulu,” whose friend Sam died by suicide at a young age after being bullied in school.

West says he hopes the song, from his album Brand New, will serve as “a reminder to us all to be kind to each other and speak love. You never know when it might make all the difference.”

The anthem’s chorus shares his prayer for those of any age who battle fears and insecurities:

“Too young, too soon / This world lost you / Hearts break in two / Too young, too soon.

“Be kind, speak love / Go find someone / who needs a friend / Reach out your hand / Don’t point, don’t laugh / Life’s too short for that / No cliques, start now / No one left out.”

Please watch above or at this link and share with anyone you know who may need to take West’s and Lulu’s poignant message to heart. {eoa}

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