Why You Need to Pray Right Now for These Calls to Impeach Trump


Franklin Graham warns that our nation could unravel because of what’s happening with the impeachment push. Larry Tomczak, 45-year board member with Intercessors for America, brings a prophetic statement and strong encouragement that we not minimize what’s happening but respond to the 1 Timothy 2 mandate to pray for our elected government officials.

This is an important “call to prayer” to counter spiritual forces plus continue the momentum of “promises made, promises kept” to restore our heritage honoring God in America. On Thursday, Bill Lee, the Christian governor of Tennessee, has called for a “day of prayer and fasting” mobilizing Christians across the state. May we all respond with prayer at this pivotal time.

Watch this nine-minute video and post it to mobilize intercessors to understand exactly what is happening so we can pray effectively at this critical time.

Check out Larry’s daily “Here’s the Deal” 15-minute podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.


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