2018 05 neom archdaily youtube

Is This Revelation 17-18 in the Making?


Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman announced plans for a vibrant new city in Saudi Arabia, raising end-times red flags for eschatologists.

“At the Crossroads of the World: There’s nowhere like this vast site. Untouched, diverse terrain, sheltered by mountains and cooled by Red Sea breezes. A temperate Mediterranean climate. 468 km of coastline with beaches and coral reefs, as well as mountains up to 2,500 m high,” according to the website. “A strategic location on one of the world’s most prominent economic arteries will make NEOM a global hub for trade, innovation and knowledge. NEOM will operate as an independent economic zone—with its own laws, taxes and regulations specially created to boost healthy growth and wealth for the region, investors and residents.”

Eschatologist Dalton Thomas, the founder of Frontier Alliance International, sees major biblical parallels in the announcement.

FAI holds the end-times church as one of its core convictions.

“We believe that the unique dynamics associated with the return of the Lord at the end of the age will soon be upon us,” according to the site. “We recognize therefore that the missions movement has a critical role to play among the nations in the transitional decades before His appearing. It is our desire to equip missionaries with a robust premillennial, post-tribulational eschatology to live, love, and lead in the midst of the greatest crisis and glory the earth has ever known for the glory of His Name (Matthew 24:4-31; Revelation 7:9-14; etc). The end-time Church is not called to escape and spectate but rather, to endure (Matthew 24:9-14) and to shine (Daniel 12:1-3).”

So is Saudi Arabia’s NEOM part of biblical end-times prophecy? Watch the video to see.

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