Rabbi Schneider’s Supernatural Dream: What God Said Will Shock You


Walking in humility and gentleness is at the core of our Christian calling.

In a recent message, Rabbi Kirt Schneider discussed his own supernatural dream of what the Lord revealed to him about true power and strength.

While in New York City, after preaching to a gathering of pastors, Schneider had a vivid dream in which the Lord spoke to him. The message was clear: “You don’t always have to use power. Sometimes it’s more effective to use gentleness.”

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The Holy Spirit impressed upon him that force is not always necessary—God’s anointing often moves more powerfully through gentleness than by aggressive tactics.

The next morning, while preparing to leave the city, Schneider shared his dream with a team member. To his amazement, his colleague pulled out a book from his backpack titled “Gentleness.” This divine confirmation reinforced the significance of the dream. It was a reminder that gentleness, a fruit of the Spirit, is an essential part of walking in humility and reflecting Christ’s nature.

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Schneider also highlighted that humility means recognizing our total dependence on God. Gentleness is not weakness but power under control—modeled by Jesus, who treated the humble with tenderness and patience.

“Walk in humility. Recognize you’re like a vapor,” Schneider says. “One of the things that helps us be humble is to recognize if we’re not humble, God’s going to judge us in discipline.”

Ultimately, Schneider’s dream serves as a divine message for all believers to walk in gentleness with all patience and humility. The world today is driven by aggression and force, and the Holy Spirit calls us to embody characteristics not of this world. Instead, we are called to be the light that shines in the darkness.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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