Former Fort Jackson CO Says Marco Rubio Will Protect Military

Marco Rubio

Presidential candidate U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) received Wednesday the endorsement of Maj. Gen. Steve Siegfried (Ret.), the former commander of Fort Jackson in South Carolina whose distinguished military career spanned more than 35 years.

Siegfried served two tours in Vietnam and is the recipient of numerous Distinguished service medals. These include the Silver Star, the Soldiers Medal for Heroism, the Legion of Merit, three Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts.

“The most important responsibility of the commander in chief is to lead the U.S. military and keep our nation safe. After closely reviewing the record of all the candidates, it is clear that Marco Rubio best understands the threats facing our nation,” he said. “While other candidates voted to cut defense spending, Marco has always supported our military. As the former commanding officer of Fort Jackson, I trust Marco to protect Fort Jackson and other South Carolina bases from cuts. Marco will work tirelessly to strengthen our military and to keep our families safe. Marco will be a strong commander in chief, and I look forward to him restoring America’s leadership in the world.” 

Siegfried briefly served as acting inspector general of the Army, and was South Carolina’s first Homeland Security Director. He now serves as vice chairman of Honor Flight South Carolina. Rubio has asked him to lead the South Carolina Veterans for Marco Coalition.

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