Prophetic Warning: Exposing Donald Trump’s Future


Is there a prophetic warning President-elect Donald Trump must heed regarding his destiny?

During a special message at The Rosen Plaza Hotel in Orlando, Florida, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn gave a timely word regarding Trump’s future.

“It was in August last year that I had a burden to give a word for Donald Trump, and I never had that before,” says Cahn. “Then in October out of nowhere I was invited to the Inaugural Faith Summit in Atlanta. It was the first gathering of Trump’s Faith Advisory Board since the last administration.”

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Cahn notes that at this event, Donald Trump was going to be present, and he had been given the honor as one of the faith leaders to speak and meet with the president. He says that while he spoke, his prophetic word to the president was recorded, and the video went viral.

“You were born on June 14, 1946,” Cahn said in the video from the faith summit event in Atlanta. “From ages past, it was appointed that on that day a Scripture would be recited throughout the world. The Scripture that was appointed for the day of your birth spoke of the bringing of God’s vessel, a trumpet, into the world. President Trump, you were born into the world to be a trumpet of God, a vessel of the Lord in the hands of God.”

In the video, Cahn explained to the president that he was called for the purpose of walking in an anointing like Jehu to bring hope and godliness back to the nation.

“He called you according to the template of Jehu, the warrior king,” says Cahn. “He called Jehu to make His nation great again. Jehu came to the capital city with an agenda to drain the swamp. Jehu forged an alliance with the religious conservatives of the land. So it was your destiny to do the same. To come to power Jehu had to prevail against the nation’s former first lady. So to come to power you had to prevail against the nation’s former first lady. Jehu overturned the cult of Baal by which children were sacrificed. So God chose you to overturn America’s cult of Baal, Roe v. Wade, by which millions of babies were sacrifices, and yo set it in motion on a day that was appointed from ancient times to cause a nation to turn away from its sin.”

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Cahn says that God had it planned all this time for Trump to walk in this same anointing and destiny as Jehu to help save America. However, Cahn gave Trump a warning, a caveat, of what the Lord needs of Trump to fulfill His plans through him.

“For that to happen, you must seek Him with all your heart, follow Him with all your might,” Cahn says. “Jehu was born to make his nation great again by turning it back to God. So were you. America can only be great again if America turns back to God. You are a trumpet of God, and the trumpet can only fulfill its purpose if it’s filled with a breath of the one who holds it up and blows through it. God is the One who lifted you up, and He wills that you be filled with a breath of His Spirit.”

Cahn warned Trump that this means being completely devoted to the Lord in all of his ways.

“God is calling you to go all out for God, for Him, and if you do, then what follows will be the greatest and most glorious part. Then you will do what no president has ever done. You will be the vessel God used to bring America back to touch history and to change the world. For the Lord has spoken, ‘Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I set you apart. Now arise and shine, for your light is come and the glory has risen upon you,'” Cahn prophesies in the video.

Cahn further said he believes this truly could be the last opportunity for America to have a revival, and we as the people of God must be praying for Donald Trump right now.

“We need to pray for the president, that God will touch him and have His way, and that he will, this time, go all out for God, and we need to pray for revival as never before because only that can save the future.”

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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