How This Administration Differs from Any Before It


After President Donald Trump held a celebration for the National Day of Prayer in the Rose Garden, and signed an executive order setting up a new faith-based office, Vice President Mike Pence did an interview with CBN News’ David Brody—in his office.

The new executive order expands upon a religious freedom executive order signed last year. Vice President Pence says it makes sure all levels of the federal government are partnering with faith-based groups on various federal programs.

“This is really about making sure that as we develop policies for the country, that we are always making room for those inalienable rights, the free exercise of religion that Americans cherish,” the vice president explained.

Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem

Praying for peace in Jerusalem is also on the hearts and minds of evangelicals. The administration is preparing for the new embassy in Jerusalem to open later in May. Mr. Pence said he recently saw photographs of some of the finishing touches being put on, and he says the White House is still finalizing plans about the American delegation.

“When we open the American Embassy in Jerusalem, we will in a very real sense end this historic friction, we’ll embrace reality,” the vice president said. “And President Trump and I believe that in doing that, that peace in the region becomes more possible.”

One of the biggest threats to Israel is Iran. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently pointed to thousands of Iranian documents showing how he says Iran had been lying for years about the extent of its nuclear program. This comes as President Trump is prepared to decide whether the United States should essentially pull out of the current Iran nuclear deal.

Pence says the United States has confirmed the authenticity of the materials that Israel obtained.

“Despite what Iran said for years, (that) they had never attempted to develop a nuclear weapon, clearly here are volumes of evidence that prove that Iran was in a headlong rush up unto and past the beginning of the 21st century to develop a nuclear weapon,” the vice president said. “And that is obviously going to color our evaluation of the Iran nuclear deal.”

Attacks from Joy Behar, Michelle Wolf

CBN News also asked Pence about yet another comedian going after him for his beliefs.

Last time, it was Joy Behar of The View. This time, it was Michelle Wolf at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, criticizing Vice President Pence’s pro-life views.

Pence brushed it off.

“I’m pro-life and I don’t apologize for it,” he said. “It comes with the territory. As the Bible says, I count it all joy when I endure trials or criticisms.

The vice president says he and President Trump are remaining focused on their goals for the administration and the American people. {eoa}

Reprinted with permission from Copyright The Christian Broadcasting Network, all rights reserved. {eoa}


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