Colorado Bans Bill That Would Require Medical Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortion


A Colorado legislative panel banned a bill that would provide protections and medical assistance for babies born alive after abortion.

If House Bill 1068 had gone into law, a physician would be fined $100,000 for failing to “exercise the same degree of professional skill, care and diligence to preserve the life and health of the child as a reasonably diligent and conscientious physician would render to any other child born alive at the same gestational age.”

The bill would require babies born alive after abortions be taken to hospitals. It also would outlaw abortions after 22 weeks.

Colorado’s House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee rejected the proposed bill on Tuesday, Feb. 11.

Jeff Hunt, director of the Centennial Institute at Colorado Christian University, tweeted his thoughts after news broke that the bill was rejected.

“The Colorado legislature just voted down a bill that would require a doctor to provide medical care to a child who is born alive after surviving an abortion,” he wrote. “A child is born, in need of help, and the Colorado legislature voted against mandating care. God have mercy.”

Hunt also called Christians around the U.S. to stand for life:

“Colorado’s legislature is dominated by liberals affiliated with Planned Parenthood and NARAL. There is not a single pro-life Democrat in the Colorado legislature. Since they control both houses and the governor’s office, any pro-life legislation will be defeated.

“This fall, Coloradans may face a ballot initiative to ban abortion after 22 weeks of gestation. Unfortunately, according to Pew Research, Colorado is ranked #16 as one of the most pro-choice states. Colorado is one of seven states in the nation that has no limits on abortion, allowing abortion at any time during the pregnancy, even in the third trimester. We do believe that Coloradans would support restrictions on abortion when the child is viable or when a child has been born following a failed abortion.

“People are starting to wake up to the religious-like commitment liberals have to abortion. The unwillingness to save a child who has been born alive is infanticide. The liberals are going too far and Coloradans are realizing that a child deserves the right to life. Psalm 139:13 speaks the truth. ‘For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.’ Every child is created by God, knit together for his purposes. We must stand for life!”


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