Author name: Jan Walker

IDF soldier

Terror Attacks Against Israel Increased, Death Toll Decreased in 2012


Israel’s domestic spy agency, the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), says it thwarted 100 “serious” terror attacks in 2012, a third of which  were planned kidnappings, the agency revealed in a report published Thursday. The Shin Bet said it arrested 2,300 terror suspects, which led to 2,170 indictments. Half of the planned kidnapping attacks were

Daniel Kolenda

Daniel Kolenda: Stop Being Fearful of God’s Will for Your Life


As a little boy raised in the church, I was often confused by the words of certain songs. For instance, whenever the song “Bringing in the Sheaves” was sung, I thought we were singing about bringing in the “sheeps.” I always wondered where we would get these “sheeps” and why we wanted to bring them

Matt Sorger

13 Prophecies for 2013


As I waited upon God going into 2013, I received these words from the Lord. Some came in the form of impressions, others came as visions and some came as scriptures that God was breathing on for this season. Prophetic words are an invitation from the Lord. I sense these following 13 prophetic insights are to be decrees

man worshipping

Why Does the Church Settle for Partial Revival?


Pursue God for more than personal satisfaction, need or individual purpose. There was a time when the United States was known for having the very best of everything. Remember when U.S.-made products and automobiles were the very best, the U.S. economy was the strongest, and the American work ethic was a benchmark standard? It seems

demonic man

When Demon-Inspired Believers Lay Hands On You


You’ve probably fallen victim to malicious gossip through the lips of another Christian. But physical assault gives a literal meaning to wrestling principalities and powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Eph. 6:12). Indeed, when a demon physically attacks you through a believer, a wrestling

man in armchair

Are You a Sideline Revivalist?


I’ve never met a believer who didn’t have an innate vision for revival. Sure, the concept of what revival actually looks like varies from person to person. But we all long to see a mass outpouring of the Holy Spirit that transforms cities and nations. There’s a problem, though: Too many Christians in America would

bride and groom on faultline

How Christians Have Partnered With Gays to Attack Marriage


I have never made the issues of homosexuality and gay marriage a primary focus of my work. Justice for the poor and combining evangelism and social action have been central issues in my writing. But the issue of gay marriage has become so prominent, so critical, that I can’t be silent. Within the last few years

crystal ball

Why I Don’t Sell Personal Prophecy and Dream Interpretations


Every week I get at least a handful of digital requests from precious people all over the world desperately seeking a prophetic word. Some come begging. Others come demanding. Still others come with money in hand to buy a prophecy or dream interpretation. Seriously, this happens just about every day and more than once on

village huts

How God Used Two Girls to Preach to Muslims in Africa


Before we arrived in the african village, God had prepared the people’s hearts to know him. Even so, I wondered why he would entrust his message to me. Millions of tiny flies were driving me crazy. We had driven out from the village to have some peace and quiet and find a place to pray.

two-state, Israel, Judea, Samaria, Gaza, Dani Dayan, settlement, Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinian

Dani Dayan: Two-State Solution Only a ‘Mirage’


Dani Dayan, former head of the Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, on Friday, said the two-state solution “never existed.” Speaking on the BBC news show “Hardtalk,” Dayan said the views of the ultra-Right are “quite realistic, as Israel is beginning to understand the two-state solution never existed, it was

twitter brand

France Orders Twitter to Unmask Anti-Semites


  A French court on Thursday ordered Twitter Inc to help identify the authors of anti-Semitic posts or face fines of 1,000 euros ($1,300) per day, as the social network firm comes under renewed pressure to combat racist and extremist messages.   The order, requested by a Jewish student union and rights groups, concerned anti-Semitic

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