'Modern Family' actress Sofia Vergara.

ABC’s ‘Modern Family’ Continues to Defy God’s Familial Design With Transgender 8-Year-Old


Modern Family is the first television show in industry history to cast an openly transgender child for an upcoming episode.  

Jackson Millarker, who was born as a female and now identifies as male, will play a friend of the adopted child of the gay couple, Cam and Mitchell.  

Jackson was raised by lesbian mothers in reality. The child reportedly began transitioning at age 6

Though the show is a work of fiction, the plot reflects an alarming increase of allowing children to transition genders before puberty.  

Transgender children who continue to transition throughout their lives often face a heart-breaking fate

  • 82 percent of transgender youth report that they feel unsafe at school
  • 44 percent had been abused physically (punched, shoved, etc.)
  • 67 percent of them had been bullied online
  • 64 percent of them had their property stolen or destroyed
  • Suicide attempts among trans men (46 percent) and trans women (42 percent) were slightly higher than the full sample (41 percent). 
  • Suicide attempts was highest among those who are younger (18 to 24 years old: 45 percent).
  • Prevalence of suicide attempts is elevated among those who disclose to everyone that they are transgender or gender-non-conforming (50%) 

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