Christopher Hitchens

Did Famed Atheist Author Christopher Hitchens Accept Jesus Before He Died?


The author of God Is Not Great may have considered salvation before his death in 2011, author Larry Alex Taunton tells  

Though Christopher Hitchens never recanted his atheism, Taunton said the famed atheist and debater was deeply impacted by Taunton’s HIV-positive daughter.  

“It’s because of her own innocence. He was powerfully moved by her, an argument he couldn’t refute. … At the end of the day, the most powerful apologetic is love,” Taunton said.  

Taunton recently released The Faith of Christopher Hitchens, which examines the “vulnerable” and “misunderstood” man. 

“While Hitchens was, in the minds of many Christians, Public Enemy Number One, away from the lights and the cameras a warm friendship flourished between Hitchens and the author; a friendship that culminated in not one, but two lengthy road trips where, after Hitchens’ diagnosis of esophageal cancer, they studied the Bible together,” according to the Amazon page.  

Watch the video to see more of Taunton’s discoveries about Hitchens.


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