Is There a Biblical Response to Orbs, Angels and UFOs?


Are mysterious orbs of light a random occurrence, or could they be part of a demonic agenda?

Recently, Prophecy Watchers’ Mondo Gonzales was on the “Bennis The Menace” podcast, where he uncovered the possibility of what some strange orbs of light appearing in our world could mean from a spiritual perspective.

To pre-order Mondo Gonzales’ new book, “The Mystery of the Red Heifer,” visit

Discussing Satan as the one who masquerades as an angel of light, Gonzales says one of the things the devil does is use righteousness in a twisted way to lead us down a path of deception.

“Paul says, ‘Well, then there’s no surprise in that even the emissaries of Satan can promote righteousness or something that’s good,'” Gonzales says. “If Satan can get your soul, then he has no problem encouraging you to be good in certain ways because that’s the deception.”

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Gonzales compares this to the easy-going pathway to hell when someone willingly goes against God’s Word and authority. So, is it possible that the sightings of mysterious orbs of light are simply something demonic in disguise?

“I have no problem, unapologetic in ascribing something like that to the supernatural,” Gonzales says. “Whether it’s demonic or something like that…especially for the ability of them to disappear.”

Gonzales and the podcasters, Ben and Nis, also made an interesting point when it comes to who typically sees the most supernatural activity.

“He’s exactly right; the people that have opened themselves up to occultic things, either mediums or psychics…they have way more sightings of these things than a solid Christian,” says Gonzales. “That doesn’t mean a Christian has never seen anything because Christians do, but nevertheless, they have way more sightings than Christians do.”

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Gonzales also talked about the possibility of having encounters with good angels. This is something he discussed relating to a previous interview he did with Gary Stearman and how Stearman had an experience decades ago with a supernatural being helping him land a plane.

“He was flying when all of his electronics went down,” Gonzales recounts. “He’s flying along and all of a sudden he hears this voice, and this voice said, ‘If you look to your left, you will see a UFO…’and he sees a UFO just right there at his level.”

Gonzales says that Stearman had a strange sense of peace, and that the craft followed him during the rest of his trip. What’s also strange about the encounter is that Stearman believed he made it on time to his destination, however, when he arrived everyone wanted to know why he was hours late. For some reason, time itself also disappeared during this phenomenon.

“To this day, he would say ‘I think it was a good angel flying a physical craft,'” Gonzales says.

With the supernatural all around us, the greatest thing we can do is use discernment and wisdom as discussed in Proverbs to know if something is from the Lord or not. Whether we are being drawn toward or away from God is perhaps the greatest indicator of how we should view encounters with the supernatural.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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