Isaiah Saldivar: This is How to Cast Out Demons


Have you ever wondered how you can effectively cast out demons?

In a new video, Isaiah Saldivar shared the basics about how believers can cast out demons.

The very first point Saldivar makes for effective and correct deliverance is that the person you are praying for must be a Christian and desire to be delivered.

“The demons recognize free will,” says Saldivar. “They recognize whether somebody wants it or doesn’t, and if you’re forcing deliverance on somebody, if you’re forcing them to get delivered, it’s not gonna work.”

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Saldivar makes the point that the demons will laugh it off and say that they have a legal right to be there, which is true if somebody doesn’t want to be set free.

“Now if the person is an unbeliever and you somehow successfully do deliverance on them, the Bible says in Matthew 12 the demons are just going to come back stronger. So to me, there’s no point doing deliverance on somebody that’s going to go right back into their sin.”

To pre-order Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, “How to Cast Out Demons,” visit

The second point Saldivar makes is that it is the Christian’s job to help the person they are praying for to renounce their sin and ask for forgiveness and to tell the demons to flee.

Saldivar says that renouncement is simply saying that you don’t want something anymore to find that new life in Christ.

“…I’m denying this, I’m giving this up, and the demons are there because the person’s let them be there, so you are renouncing them,” Saldivar says.

Whether it’s renouncing witchcraft, lust or any other sinful area, renunciation breaks the legal right of the demons being there.

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“Unforgiveness is a thing demons hang on to, so having the person verbally say they forgive whoever it was that hurt them or did something to them is a great way to see that breakthrough and so when you go into the deliverance the demons have nothing to hang onto,” says Saldivar.

After this time, Saldivar says this is the time where the person praying for deliverance is to call the demon out.

“I’ll simply say, ‘I bind the spirit of lust,’ whatever spirit it is, ‘I bind the spirit of anger, I bind the spirit of rage,’ and I’m literally talking to the demon, and I’m saying to the person, ‘I command the spirit to go. I bind you in Jesus’ name. You have no authority. You have no legal right; you must go,'” Saldivar explains.

After the demons have been confronted, they must be bound in the name of Jesus.

“The power comes from the name of Jesus,” he says. “So, once you start confronting that demon, you want to start binding it.”

The Bible says in Matthew 18:18 “Truly I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” What we do here on earth matters for how heaven itself also moves.

Saldivar says we must also be prepared for the case that the demon doesn’t leave. In that instance, he says it’s prudent to ask the demon its name. He points out that they may be holding onto something like unforgiveness or an unconfessed sin. However, we should not get into lengthy discussions with demonic entities.

“Jesus asked the demon its name in the Bible, so it’s okay for us to engage and them their name, but just know we don’t want to get into a long conversation. This is confrontation, interrogation, not conversation,” he explains.

Saldivar further encourages believers to go back and pray the prayers of deliverance over again to make sure a demon is not hiding and for the person to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

“This is a great time to prophesy over them, to minister over to them and just to love on them,” Saldivar concludes.

Jesus commanded us to heal the sick and cast out demons as part of the Great Commission (Mark 16:15-18). God has called us to see people set free and made whole. No longer can God’s people sit in the darkness; now is the time for us to be the light.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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