Shauna Niequist appears on 'Super Soul Sunday' with Oprah Winfrey.

Megachurch Pastor’s Daughter Sits Down With Oprah for ‘Super Soul Sunday’


Willow Creek Church Pastor Bill Hybels’ daughter may have exceeded father’s fame among millennials. Now, author and podcaster Shauna Niequist will share her wisdom on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday.

Niequist appeared on the show to discuss her recent book, Present Over Perfect.

She spoke with Charisma News about her book last year, which deals with how to appreciate right where you are.

“I thought naively that this change was about time management, being more organized, needing a new app or to drink more coffee,” Niequist says. 

Niequist was choosing to overwork herself. To be set free, she needed to embrace one of the core principles of Christianity: Grace.

“I knew it in my brain, but my soul didn’t know the reality of unconditional love. When that became real to me on a daily, blood-in-my-veins level, it set me free to stop pushing, earning, competing,” Niequist says. “It allowed me to learn to rest, accept the gift of grace, stop hustling for my worth and value.”

She continued, “(I remind myself there is) nothing to do to earn His love, or to ruin or squander His love. When you start and end every day in that place, if that’s the reality that grounds everything, then you are free to play, serve, connect. The stakes of the day are now totally different.”

As Niequist pursues silence in her rest, she reminds herself of this simple but powerful truth: I’m alive, and I’ve been created by God. That’s where my value comes from.

Through the book, “The Holy Spirit taught me once again how to hear His voice and leadership,” Niequist says.

Niequist joins the ranks of other popular Christians to be featured on the show, including Carl Lentz and T.D. Jakes.


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