Mike Signorelli: Demonic Possession, Oppression and Generational Curses


A popular Christian pastor known for speaking out on the spiritual matters of the day believes Christians need to take a deeper look at the generational issues he says can impede individuals and families.

Mike Signorelli, pastor of V1 Church in New York City and author of the new book, “Inherit Your Freedom: Break Generational Curses and Reclaim the Future God Has for You,” implored Christians to ponder the familial issues that could be opening the door to spiritual problems.

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“If you’re listening to this podcast and you go to a medical professional and you’re just getting a routine exam, they’re going to ask you, ‘Do you have, like, a heart condition in your family?’” he said. “We understand this from a biological standpoint, right? That there are inherited conditions.”

Signorelli continued, “We understand from a genetic level and now what we’re starting to understand is from an epigenetic level that even things like musicality can be transmitted through the genes.”

To order Alexander Pagani’s new book, “The Secrets to Maintaining Your Deliverance,” visit Amazon.com.

“I think, if we can make the logical leap from the genetic, to the epigenetic, to the spiritual, I also think things like addiction … alcoholism, many people have a genetic predisposition to that as well,” Signorelli said. “And, so, is there a spiritual side to that?”

He’s on a mission to help people uncover the “curses” impacting their families so they can find true healing and purpose. While some might find the solution to curing these issues is to simply perform a deliverance—that is, the expulsion of demons—Signorelli said it’s more complicated.

“I wish I could tell you that we’ll just cast demons out of you and that’s going to solve everything,” he said. “But, unfortunately, what happens if you do need deliverance is that those demons have been lying to you for such a long period of time that they’ve actually rewired your brain and you have what the Bible calls strongholds in your mind that need to be deconstructed and demolished.”

And once that happens, Signorelli said it’s essential to rebuild, so he’s hoping “Inherit Your Freedom” accomplishes that goal. Of course, it’s the demonic part of the equation that tends to get the most attention—and with good reason.

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“When you read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John—and those are the first four books of the New Testament that give account of Jesus’s birth, life, death and resurrection—upwards to 30% of every account that you will read was Jesus confronting a demon,” Signorelli said. “And people were receiving freedom as a result of it.”

To order Isaiah Saldivar’s new book, “How to Cast Out Demons,” visit Amazon.com.

Some of these cases even contended with physical ailments, with the preacher mentioning a woman in Luke 13:11-13 who was hunched over and couldn’t physically stand up straight.

“What I find interesting is that Jesus did not pray in that instance for physical healing,” he said. “He actually—there’s a phrase, the spirit of infirmity, and he cast out the spirit of infirmity and then the woman was able to stand up straight.”

To read the full story, visit our content partners at Faithwire.

Reprinted with permission from faithwire.com. Copyright © 2024 The Christian Broadcasting Network Inc. All rights reserved.

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