Prophetic Minister Reaches Into Spiritual Realm, Experiences Dental Miracle


Prophetic minister Kathy DeGraw recalls a time when she went to a conference, and the leaders were praying healing over the congregation. She needed healing for her teeth, and she received it.

“I knew I needed a dental miracle because I was struggling with a root issue,” DeGraw says. “And I physically reached my arm up into the spiritual realm. I grabbed it. I slapped my mouth, and I said, ‘That’s mine. I’m receiving that one.’ And I felt the Spirit of God come on me so much that my husband and I ended up having dessert at a restaurant after the conference, and I was still intoxicated by the presence of the Lord.”

One key to combating spiritual warfare prophetically is developing a relationship with the Holy Spirit, DeGraw says on the Prophetic Spiritual Warfare podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. She says that means we must be trained to understand how He speaks to us.

“How are you hearing from the Lord?” DeGraw asks. “Do you hear by words, perception, pictures, sound, your five senses? What I want to do is teach you how to reach up into the spiritual realm and hear from the Holy Spirit to get words and downloads. …

“We’re discerning; we’re praying; you’re in the midst of a conversation with someone and you don’t know what word you should speak next to them. What I want you to think about is that the Holy Spirit will give you that word in that minute, that you don’t have to wait, that as you’re talking … you’re getting the drop and the download coming right in your mind. … That’s how in tune to the Holy Spirit we should be.”

For more teaching on the spiritual realm and warfare, click here.


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