
Dr. Dave Martin

Success Coach Dave Martin Urges Christians to Take Responsibility


There are success coaches—and then there are Christian success coaches. Dr. Dave Martin is showing the world the difference with his Bible-based teachings that aim to equip believers to walk in the fullness of God’s plan by pursuing, possessing and teaching scriptural keys to biblical success. The author of several books, Martin’s latest is called […]

Wealthy pay fair share

Do the Wealthy Pay Fair Share?


A constant refrain repeated lately by President Obama and the Democrats is that the wealthy need to pay their “fair share” of taxes and they don’t. “This jobs bill is fully paid for by asking millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share,” Obama said. “Republicans will be hard-pressed to explain why they’d let teachers

Social Security

Social Security Benefits to Increase in 2012


After two years without a raise, an estimated 55 million Social Security recipients will receive the first cost-of-living increase in benefits next year. The raise will be 3.6 percent, according to the U.S. Social Security Administration. The Social Security Administration made the official announcement this week when the government released an inflation measure that determines

Bible and money

Managing Money God’s Way


In these uncertain economic times, financial matters are a huge concern. But God’s Word speaks in a very practical way to money and money management—both corporately and privately. Ron Blue is confident that financial freedom is brought by generosity. He takes God’s word for it—and he has seen it happen with his own eyes. With

Texas Capitol building

Texas Economy Defies US Trends Under Rick Perry’s Watch


Now that Gov. Rick Perry is running for president, the Texas economy is in the national spotlight. Although the state has challenges, it’s prospering while much of the nation sputters. One business that takes advantage of the Lone Star State’s business-friendly climate is Xtreme Power. It’s a high-tech energy company that uses technology originally developed

regulations strangling economy

Federal Regulations Costing Struggling Economy Nearly $2 Trillion


You hardly ever hear about them, but they’re one of the most powerful groups in Washington. And they’re costing the economy nearly $2 trillion a year. They’re federal regulators and they’re putting new regulations on everything, from business products to the financial industry to items in your home. Critics like Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas,

Post Office worker

Post Office in Danger of Default


The United States Postal Service could be forced to shut down this winter unless Congress takes emergency action to stabilize its finances. Postmaster General Patrick R. Donahoe told the New York Times that the agency may default if Congress doesn’t bail them out. “Our situation is extremely serious,” Donahoe, said in an interview. “If Congress

Finance Crisis - Unemployment

Job Growth Remains at Standstill


The economy failed to add any new jobs for the month of August—the first time since 1945 that the U.S. government has reported a net job change of zero. The silence was deafening from President Barack Obama Friday morning as he left for a long Labor Day weekend at Camp David. He had no comment

Economy woes

Consumer Confidence Sharply Declines


Fewer Americans believe the economy will turn around in the near future, according to the Conference Board Consumer Research Center. A recent survey revealed consumer confidence dropped almost 15 points—the lowest level since April 2009. The drop in the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index was far worse than analysts expected. “Consumer confidence deteriorated sharply in

Freedom Isn't Free

Report Details Billions Wasted in War Zones


Amid fears of a global economic recession, recent reports show that billions of dollars are fruitlessly being spent on war. As much as $60 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds have gone to waste in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade. The Commission on Wartime Contracting reports poor planning, corruption and fraud have contributed to

Wallet with Visa and cash

Increase in Consumer Spending Sign of Economic Rebound


Despite the housing slump, reports from spending in July could mean the economy is heading in a good direction. The Commerce Department announced Aug. 29 that consumer spending grew 0.8 percent in July—news that will likely help ease fears of another recession. Since this type of spending accounts for about 70 percent of economic activity,

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